Important update

In mid-June 2020, Palgrave Communications began operating under a new name, Humanities & Social Sciences Communications (ISSN: 2662-9992).

Why did you make this change? Since it began publication in 2015 Palgrave Communications succeeded in providing a rigorous and dynamic outlet for the publication of research arising in all areas of the humanities, social and behavioral sciences. To build on these strong foundations, and to ensure we convey our ethos and vision to the communities in our remit, fully and clearly, we decided to change the journal name to Humanities & Social Sciences Communications. 

Where can I learn more about the journal? This Editorial outlines our vision and ethos. Explore the other pages on our website for more information.

Other than the journal name, did anything else change? No. This change does not reflect a shift in or dilution of the journal’s scope, values or editorial standards; rather it is done in a spirit of re-emphasising our core mission: to facilitate the publication of research that enriches the body of knowledge in all disciplines in the humanities, and behavioural and social sciences. 

Are Palgrave Communications and Humanities & Social Sciences Communications different journals? Both journals have different ISSNs. However, editorially Humanities & Social Sciences Communications is considered a continuation of Palgrave Communications. The newly named journal is run by the same in-house team, follows the same policies and processes, and has the same scope and goals.

Is Humanities & Social Sciences Communications an open-access journal? Yes. The journal is fully open access.

I have submitted a paper and it is under consideration - will it be published under the newly named journal? All papers currently under consideration at the journal will, if accepted for publication, be published under Humanities & Social Sciences Communications

I have previously published with Palgrave Communications - will my paper(s) still be discoverable in Humanities & Social Sciences Communications? Yes. All papers published under Palgrave Communications will continue to be discoverable and searchable via the journal website. This continuity is a priority for us.

What is the newly titled journal’s short name for the purposes of citations? The following short name will be used: Humanit Soc Sci Commun. Papers published under Palgrave Communications will continue to use the citation assigned on original publication.

I am editing an Article Collection - does this affect me? All Collections that began under Palgrave Communications, whether already published or ongoing, will continue under the newly named journal.

I published a paper in an Article Collection - how does this change affect me? Your paper will still be discoverable under the relevant collection on the newly named journal’s website. 

Question not answered? Please contact us: [email protected]