Social Issues

Some vulnerable seniors in Minnesota would feel the pinch of Gov. Tim Pawlenty's proposed budget cuts. Pawlenty's plan to fix the state's $4.2 billion budget deficit includes elimination of state funding for a number of senior services, including the Foster Grandparent and Senior Companion programs.
Demand at Minnesota's food shelves has increased by 15 percent in the past two years. Advocates say the state budget crisis will only make things worse. An update on hunger in Minnesota, and what's being done around the state to feed people in need.
More than 1,000 gay and lesbian Minnesotans came to the Capitol on Thursday to protest a proposal to remove sexual orientation from the state's human rights law. They called the bill "mean-spirited." The bill's author says he wants to prevent homosexuality from being taught in the schools.
An old business in a small Minnesota town has a new owner. The Renville Locker butchered meat under the same family ownership for 38 years in southwestern Minnesota. Over that time the population of the region has changed, and more change is on the way. There may be no better symbol of the shift than the new face behind the meat market counter.
A bill that would require women to wait 24 hours before receiving an abortion has cleared its first hurdle in the Minnesota House. The House Health and Human Services Policy Committee approved the bill on a 12-4 vote.
He is one of the most outspoken advocates of civil rights in South Africa, and the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize winner for his nonviolent campaign against apartheid. Desmond Tutu has written many books, including "No Future Without Forgiveness," a memoir of his work investigating apartheid atrocities. As one of his major efforts, he works extensively to give South African kids what many Americans consider a basic right -- a meaningful education.
A new Minnesota Public Radio-St. Paul Pioneer Press poll finds strong support for a law that would require a woman to wait 24 hours before receiving an abortion. The Minnesota Legislature has debated the waiting period for several years. Supporters say the bill would give women time to fully understand the procedure. Opponents say the bill does little except create restrictions for women who seek out the procedure.
Jackie Robinson paved the way for African Americans to play baseball in America. He was rising as a star at a time when the morality of racial segregation was just starting to be questioned. Robinson was the first African American ballplayer of the twentieth century. He dealt with bigotry from the beginning of his career as he pushed toward his goal of integrating the sport of baseball.
Many experts say the giants of the civil rights movement include Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Rosa Parks or John Lewis. Juan Williams says Thurgood Marshall should also be included on that "A" list, but seldom is. Thurgood Marshall was perhaps the most influential, successful, civil rights attorney in history.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu says his native South Africa has made great strides since the end of apartheid. But he says his country still has many challenges to face including AIDS, poverty, and crime. He says the international community can play a role in making his country and the world, a more peaceful place. Tutu spoke in Minneapolis as part of the University of Minnesota's Great Conversations series.