Inside Business

Business leaders demand action to ease the pain of Brexit

Companies in the UK are suffering under the strain of red tape and piling paperwork, but E2Exchange is giving the best of the business sector a voice, writes Chris Blackhurst

Friday 14 June 2024 09:31 BST
Brexit continued to be a dominant theme in politics in 2021 (Jonathan Brady/PA)
Brexit continued to be a dominant theme in politics in 2021 (Jonathan Brady/PA) (PA Archive)

Only occasionally in this general election campaign has the “B” word surfaced. It did the other evening, to great furore, on BBC’s Question Time. Generally, though, it is not somewhere politicians want to tread. As far as public political discussions are concerned, our exit from the EU and its aftermath are off-limits.

Not so, among the business community. At the launch of the E2Exchange or E2E, International Track 100 for 2024, feelings about Brexit ran high. All the members of the online panel assembled for the occasion and drawn from the Track 100, lacked one good word to say about the UK’s departure.

In association with The Independent, E2E, the business networking and mentoring organisation, has published the definitive index of the 100 private businesses in the UK experiencing the greatest export growth. The list is based on their annual results over the past three years.

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