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Nazism is now hiding in plain sight – from posters to football chants

Once hidden in the shadows of the lunatic fringe, suddenly extreme far-right groups feel emboldened to repeat the messages last seen in the era of fascist dictators. Guy Walters looks at the terrifying displays across Europe, reminiscent of one of the darkest periods in our history

Guy Walters
<p>A boy on a poster used by the Party of France, which is accompanied by the tagline: ‘Let’s give white children a future’</p>


The Longer Read

<p>An Iranian woman votes at a polling station in Tehran</p>

Iran goes to the polls with voter apathy high

As the country goes to the ballot box to replace the late hardline president Ebrahim Raisi, Kim Sengupta hears from young people angered by situation at home, but also worried about what Iran may face from the US if Trump returns to the White House

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