Three Israeli Army Reservists Explain Why They Refuse to Continue Serving in Gaza

Yuval was required to torch two residential buildings; Michael realized how many civilians were likely to be killed during every bombing he observed; and Tal broke down when Israel entered Rafah. They are willing to suffer the price for their refusal to serve in Gaza

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ליזה רוזובסקי
Liza Rozovsky
ליזה רוזובסקי
Liza Rozovsky

When Tal Vardi, a civics teacher from Jerusalem, was absent for a prolonged period from the high school where he teaches because he was called up for reserve duty, his students were surprised. He was one of the only members of the school faculty who disappeared for a long time, from the start of the war until the end of December, although he was considered the most left-wing of them all.


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