Israel's Defense Exports Hit Record $13.1 Billion in 2023; Over a Third Are Air Defense Deals

In the last five years, the scope of Israel's defense exports has doubled, and the record of exports has been broken each year in the last three years, according to the report

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A test of the David’s Sling anti-missile system, also known as Magic Wand. The missile is being fired from a battery.
A test of the David’s Sling anti-missile system, also known as Magic Wand, December 2015.Credit: Spokesperson's Unit/Defense Ministry

Israel's defense exports in 2023 set an all-time record, amounting to over 13 billion dollars, according to an annual report by the Defense Exports Department of the Defense Ministry.

The report shows that 36 percent of all defense export deals in 2023 were related to air defense systems. This is compared to the 19 percent the year before. Other significant exports were radar and electronic warfare systems (11 percent), fire and launch equipment (11 percent), drones and avionics (9 percent) and ammunition and armaments (8 percent).

One of Israel Aerospace Industries' Heron drones. India and Azerbaijan have brought drones from IAI.Credit: Israel Aerospace Industries

In the last five years, the scope of Israel's defense exports has doubled, and the record of exports has been broken each year in the last three years, according to the report. In 2023, almost half of defense exports (48 percent) were destined for countries in Asia and the Pacific. 35 percent were for Europe, 9 percent for North America, 4 percent for Latin America, 3 percent for the countries that are part of the Abraham Accords and 1 percent for countries in Africa.

The Defense Ministry said defense exports had become a central priority as part of an effort to strengthen security-strategic relations worldwide, enter new markets, remove bureaucratic barriers and reduce regulation.

"While our industries are primarily focused on providing the defense establishment with the capabilities to support our troops and defend our citizens ... they are also continuing to pursue areas of cooperation and exports to international partners," said Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

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