The Israeli Army Has Dropped the Restraint in Gaza, and the Data Shows Unprecedented Killing

The IDF chief of staff recently boasted of the army's precise munitions and its ability to reduce harm to noncombatants. But the data shows that in the war on Hamas that principle has been abandoned

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Yagil Levy
Yagil Levy
Yagil Levy
Yagil Levy

After the expressions of international solidarity with Israel faded out, growing criticism began to be heard about the scale of the killing of innocent civilians in the Gaza Strip by the Israel Defense Forces. Prominent in this regard was The New York Times, which on November 25 published the findings of a comprehensive investigation in which it maintained that the rate at which civilians were being killed in Gaza is higher than it was in the controversial offensives of the United States in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. However, besides arguing that the assault on Gaza is extremely intense, the Times did not provide any valid comparative findings that might shed light on the intensity question.


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