Ah, the world of dating and relationships — exciting, fun, possibly frustrating, and...expensive. Dating, especially in the early stages, almost always requires money to be spent, but how much is considered the norm?

Two people smiling, sharing dessert in a cozy setting with coffee

Well, according to a recent survey, Americans estimated that a "good" date should cost around $196. However, an eighth of those surveyed expect the cost to be higher — around $300 each date night. When it came to the breakdown between women and men, on average, men marked an excellent date to cost around $220, while the average woman decided on $170.

Two people's hands on a table, one placing a coin in another's hand, with a coffee cup and money visible

I don't know what kind of dates some of you are going on, but spending nearly $200 for one date is kind of wild!? Of course, it does vary depending on the circumstances and whether it's a special occasion or something else, but I definitely did a double-take when I saw that number. Maybe it's because I haven't been on the dating scene in a while, so I don't know what's normal nowadays, but surely there are some other opinions on the matter?!

That said, my curiosity has been 100% piqued, so I want to know how much you'd ideally be willing to spend on these universal dating scenarios, under the assumption that you are the one — unless indicated otherwise — paying for you and your partner:

Two people smiling at each other, leaning close, with drinks on the table in a cozy setting
Couple smiling together on a Ferris wheel
Person holding a bouquet in front of their face against a floral backdrop
Older couple celebrating with a sparkler on a cake in an affectionate pose
Couple embracing in a cozy tiny house kitchen with string lights, showing affection
Two individuals in suits with bowties holding hands, likely in a wedding ceremony

If you're going out on a date with someone, how much do you expect to spend, and how much do you expect them to spend on you? What are your "guidelines" for spending money on dates? Let me know in the comments!