Pullets not using roost bars

Interesting! My birds seek out height, the highest being most preferred, and widest. The wider the better, seemingly. I think what they'd really want is for me to dispense with the roosts and just build them a second story so they can snooze on its floor.
That's funny! Well, this is why I feel like we should all just do what seems to work with our flock. There is an unlimited amount of recommendations out there, but everyone has their own coop and conditions, so not every tip works the same way. Mine definitely also seek the highest point, but now that I have a roo, he sorta claims it before everyone else goes to bed
We did a lot of research about designing a roost bar and multiple sources said to space bars 12" apart horizontally. Including "Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens".

I have heard differing opinions about how the bars should be though. Some (including Storey's) say to use a 2x2 or closet rod. Some said chickens should be able to roost with their feet flat.

Perhaps we'll try placing them on there before bed tomorrow. In the meantime I stapled some old bedding wrap down onto their self-chosen roost to keep the mess more manageable.
I have 2 Storey’s Guides to Chickens and Poultry and they are very helpful so I am glad others use those books! Also you can use an old ladder that is cruddy and that you don’t use anymore for roosts as well. I use one as well as my 2x2 roosts. I have 30 chickens so they need the roosting space. My chickens also roost in the rafters in my coop so it is not just your flock.
Here's another perspective of my roost set up. They take a mid morning nap in the coop almost every day, and as you can see, they prefer to rest on the smaller boards.


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Tonight after dark I went out and placed them one by one on the roosting bars. None of them put up too much of a fuss and it looks like most of them moved to the third bar on their own and then went to bed. We'll see what they do tomorrow night.

They were literally piling on top of each other trying to cram onto that ledge so hopefully they'll decide this is a bit more comfortable.

Hopefully the spacing works out. We might try a couple different roosts and see what they gravitate towards.


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Update 2: the following night they all put themselves to bed on the ledge again, and have continued to do so every night. They are literally piled on top of each other but I guess they're not ready for the roost yet. Guess we'll just give it some time and hope they grow out of it.


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We had to put our chickens at 5 weeks on the roost which got them to go back there at night. Now they all want a window seat and roost on a small ledge in the back part of the coop and yet some roost on the cattle panel wire we have in the back. We also have ones who roost on top of a 5 gallon water bucket that feeds their water cups. LOL


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Update 2: the following night they all put themselves to bed on the ledge again, and have continued to do so every night. They are literally piled on top of each other but I guess they're not ready for the roost yet. Guess we'll just give it some time and hope they grow out of it.
Technically they are roosting, it's just not where you want them to be. As long as they have the option to use that area they'll likely continue to choose it until they have reason not to. I'd probably tape up (since it's hopefully only temporarily needed) empty feed bags to flap over the ledge to encourage them to move elsewhere.
Hi all,

First time chicken owner here. Our chicks are now 5 weeks old. We put them in their coop about 1.5 weeks ago. They all seem very healthy and we haven't had any major issues so far. The coop is a converted barn stall and we built a run off the back.

Our only problem is that all 19 of them cram onto the ledge in front of the pop door to roost at night instead of using the roost bars we made. Before that they were roosting in front of the nest boxes (out of the camera frame). We have seen them on the roost bars from time to time, including the very top bar, but they never stay there long. We put a tarp underneath to catch poop but they're making a huge mess on the ledge every night, which is really the only reason we have an issue with it.

Are they cold? It's been pretty hot the last two weeks but nightly lows have started to dip back down to 60-70⁰F.

Is there something about the roost bars that they don't like? Too steep, to wide, is the tarp an issue?

Or are they just being chickens?
Hello They are young and want security and are scared at night because they don't see good and lean on eachother for what to do. As the mature they will become more independent and discover roosts are nicer than being to warm cuddled with eachother. I have 7 week olds that do this. Maybe I think is normal.
Hi all,

First time chicken owner here. Our chicks are now 5 weeks old. We put them in their coop about 1.5 weeks ago. They all seem very healthy and we haven't had any major issues so far. The coop is a converted barn stall and we built a run off the back.

Our only problem is that all 19 of them cram onto the ledge in front of the pop door to roost at night instead of using the roost bars we made. Before that they were roosting in front of the nest boxes (out of the camera frame). We have seen them on the roost bars from time to time, including the very top bar, but they never stay there long. We put a tarp underneath to catch poop but they're making a huge mess on the ledge every night, which is really the only reason we have an issue with it.

Are they cold? It's been pretty hot the last two weeks but nightly lows have started to dip back down to 60-70⁰F.

Is there something about the roost bars that they don't like? Too steep, to wide, is the tarp an issue?

Or are they just being chickens?
I do not think this was mentioned yet. #1 - I think they are hot. they need a small fan. Get a thermometer. Remember they are wearing down. #2 can all of them get up there? It looks a little steep. How wide is it? I'm sure there is a measurement for how many on a roost. Also angle the roost so they do not poop on each other. #3 I would go in at night, after dark and move them. It may take a few nights for them to get the hint. Yes they are just being chickens. It doesn't sound like you have any older ones to show them the way. First year is always the hardest. Lots of learning for you and them. Have fun!!

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