Hi everyone,
I thought I should share the initial results of a recent purchase for the hens. A little background… we are having our first heatwave of the season. I knew it was coming, and I don’t want to lose a chicken to the heat, so I bought them an evaporative cooler. We are fortunate that it’s usually dry heat here, in which case, evaporative coolers can be effective. So I got one!

I set the cooler up in the run, as they are not meant for confined spaces. For reference, my weather app says it’s 96°F. I measured 97.2°F in the shade outside my kitchen door, 95.9°F under the walnut tree, 104.7°F in the sun, and…. wait for it…80.4°F in front of the evaporative cooler! Only one chicken is even panting. One of my best chicken purchases ever!
Hello Michelle, how are you and how are you chooks? How are Little Mill and Bridge?
Hello Michelle, how are you and how are you chooks? How are Little Mill and Bridge?
Hi! Thanks so much for asking. They are both doing great. I have been really working on slimming them down and everybody seems healthier. Little Mill’s been getting herself down from the roost more these days. I still help Bridge most day. That one foot just doesn’t work at all. But she copes just fine. How are you and yours?
I think Dorothy is pretty much done being broody, though she did migrate back to the nest box this evening.

But at least she is out and about on her own. And thankfully Whiskers is fully over her broody stint.
Same thing here with Xzit. She spent a few hours out in the yard, but went back to the box.
Hi! Thanks so much for asking. They are both doing great. I have been really working on slimming them down and everybody seems healthier. Little Mill’s been getting herself down from the roost more these days. I still help Bridge most day. That one foot just doesn’t work at all. But she copes just fine. How are you and yours?
I am glad that they are fine despite foot/leg issues.

I have been dealing with a lot of reproductive issues. One hen died almost a month ago but the rest seem fine for now. I posted it on other threads but I am going to copy/paste some details here.

All three hens are production birds and are now 3 years and 4 months old.

Honey (recovered but blind)
In late Aug 2023, Honey became very ill due to reproductive issue. She was first put on Amoxcilian with no success. As a last attempt we put her on Baytril and she recovered! She even laid eggs for a little while after that.

Early of this year, she was having trouble laying with soft shell issues or trying to lay without producing anything. Early February, she laid lash material. In March, she didn't feel like her complete self, but is coping. In April 4th, she went blind all of a sudden! Since then, she has become a house chicken. We are so baffled by Honey's case because ever since she moved into the human coop (or ever since she went blind), she has been doing great, and she has a monstrous appetite.

Light (90% recovered)
Light has no history of reproductive issues. She laid a perfect egg June 1st of this year, but a couple days later she got an egg stuck in her as she was internal laying. (An X-ray revealed this later when we took her to the vet on June 25th.) It wasn't until June 20th she started to be quite lethargic, so we started her on Baytril.

When we took her to the vet on 25th, she was already on Baytril for 5 days. Vet also subscribed metacam. Vet suggested surgery as well, but the cost may be close to 2000 USD. We are also worried about the risk of the surgery. At the end of the vet visit, the vet gave Light a hormone implant.

Today, Light had the best appetite since two weeks ago and she is well on her way to recovery, at least for now.

Poopy (seems recovered)
Poopy has been laying weak shelled eggs for a long time. More recently, within the half year, she does a lot of "going to the nest to lay but nothing comes out". She must have been internally laying but was able to wall the gunk off.

About 6 days ago she didn't seem to be at 100% capacity. Three days ago her crop was not empty, and she completely lost her voice! I think it is a secondary issue of her EYP. Two days ago her crop was still not cleared. She felt like crap and was drinking a lot of water. Two days ago she also pooped out soft shell-like material. We put her on antibiotics yesterday morning and she was already looking good by afternoon!

Today she behaved quite normal!
Hi everyone,
I thought I should share the initial results of a recent purchase for the hens. A little background… we are having our first heatwave of the season. I knew it was coming, and I don’t want to lose a chicken to the heat, so I bought them an evaporative cooler. We are fortunate that it’s usually dry heat here, in which case, evaporative coolers can be effective. So I got one!

I set the cooler up in the run, as they are not meant for confined spaces. For reference, my weather app says it’s 96°F. I measured 97.2°F in the shade outside my kitchen door, 95.9°F under the walnut tree, 104.7°F in the sun, and…. wait for it…80.4°F in front of the evaporative cooler! Only one chicken is even panting. One of my best chicken purchases ever!
That's marvelous! You should post a link so others can purchase it they want.

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