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What is a good age to start a bedtime chart?

By BabySleepAdmin 8 years ago

What is a good age to start a bedtime chart?

Children between 18-months and 2-years-old can start using a bedtime chart. The most important thing about a bedtime chart, though, is not the chart itself but more that you teach your little one what the chart means. Make it a fun activity that you do together! Build a visual chart with a logical sequence of activities that happens during your bedtime routine. You can use pictures from magazines, from the internet, or pictures you print from home. Take your child through the chart as you do the activities each evening so she begins to understand what happens before bed each night. Referring to a chart can be an easy and fun way to set a schedule and get your child in the habit of doing the same things each night at bedtime. This should help your child get to sleep a bit easier and sleep better through the night.

About Dr. Graham Reid


  Schedules & Routines, Sleep Environment, Sleep Training