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My Baby’s Sleep Score


Get your Baby Sleep Score and customized sleep advice. We provide recommendations to improve five areas of sleep: falling asleep, sleep routines, sleep duration, night wakings, and sleep confidence.

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Oh baby, how’re we doin’?

How old is your baby?

Month 0

My Baby's Sleep At Month 0

Congratulations on your little one! Expect your newborn to sleep in periods from 30 minutes to 3 hours across the day and night. His sleep periods will be largely driven by hunger, with breastfed babies sleeping for slightly shorter periods than bottle-fed babies. In terms of total sleep, there is tremendous individual variability for...

Month 1

My Baby's Sleep At Month 1

Hang in there! Your baby is still incredibly young. It is expected that your newborn will sleep in short periods (30 minutes to 3 hours) throughout the day and night. However, there is great individual variability. If your little one still has her nights and days mixed up, be sure to wake her for...

Month 2

My Baby's Sleep At Month 2

Your little one is transitioning from newborn sleep patterns (short periods throughout the day and night) to sleeping for longer stretches. She should also be more consistently awake during the day, taking several naps throughout the day. If you haven't already, consider starting a bedtime routine. Doing two to three activities that are the...

Month 3

My Baby's Sleep At Month 3

At 3 months, babies can sleep for longer stretches at night. His first nap probably starts about 2 hours after he last woke. Also, if you haven't already, this is a great time to start a bedtime routine moving toward a consistent bedtime of about 7:00-8:00 p.m. Be sure to make feeding the first...

Month 4

My Baby's Sleep At Month 4

At 4 months, sleep duration is similar to when he was 3 months (about 11 to 15 hours over 24 hours). Babies at 4 months often take three to four naps per day, each beginning about 2 hours after they last woke. Some babies, though, will take two slightly longer naps, with one in...

Month 5

My Baby's Sleep At Month 5

Your little one is probably rolling over at this point. Once he starts rolling over on his belly there is no way to keep him on his back. That said, be sure to put him down on his back at bedtime and clear the crib of any toys or loose bedding, but let him...

Month 6

My Baby's Sleep At Month 6

If your little one is still waking during the night, think about how she falls asleep at bedtime. All babies wake naturally during the night but not all babies know how to return to sleep on their own. The skill of self-soothing at bedtime typically generalizes overnight. Also, know that by about 6 months,...

Month 7

My Baby's Sleep At Month 7

At 7 months, babies can be sleeping for long stretches at night, with some sleeping straight for 10 to 12 hours. If your little one is now pulling up in the crib, it is time to remove the mobiles and hanging toys to keep her safe. And don't be surprised if she gets stuck...

Month 8

My Baby's Sleep At Month 8

Is your little one still working on sleeping through the night? If so, it may be time to think more specifically about how your 8-month-old falls asleep at bedtime. Helping her learn to fall asleep on her own at bedtime (without even having an adult in the room) can help her to sleep for...

Month 9

My Baby's Sleep At Month 9

By 9 months, your little one has probably transitioned to taking two naps per day (one at 9:00/9:30 a.m. and one at 2:00/2:30 p.m.), if she was taking three or four shorter ones. At 9-months-old, babies can definitely sleep through the night and no longer need nighttime feedings. If your baby has started to...

Month 10

My Baby's Sleep At Month 10

At this point, your 10-month-old is probably pulling to stand. This can make bedtime, resisting bedtime, and/or night wakings even more of a challenge! If your little one pulls to stand in her crib, make sure she knows how to sit herself back down. Guide her back down if she does not quite have...

Month 11

My Baby's Sleep At Month 11

Some families say that their little ones experience a recurrence of night wakings right around this time (between 9 and 12 months). Know that sleep patterns are always changing, and that the best thing to do in response to a recurrence of night wakings is to stick with what you have always done. Sticking...

Month 12

My Baby's Sleep At Month 12

Your little one is now officially a toddler! At 12 months old, little ones can definitely be sleeping through the night and do not need any feedings overnight. Toddlerhood brings about several developmental changes, with huge leaps in language and walking. These developmental changes can certainly affect sleep patterns. Sticking to a consistent sleep...

Month 13

My Baby's Sleep At Month 13

Your little one is probably walking, or close to it, at this point. Developmental milestones can affect sleep patterns so you may observe some changes in his sleep as he meets these typical milestones. Also, if he has a history of sleep terrors, he may begin to sleep walk as he ages!

Month 14

My Baby's Sleep At Month 14

Starting to use a transition object for bedtime and naptime with your 14-month-old can help in the process of settling your little one down and letting him know it's time for bed. Now that he is old enough, choose a small toy or favorite blanket for your little one to use during naps and...

Month 15

My Baby's Sleep At Month 15

Somewhere between 12 and 18 months, most little ones often begin to transition to taking only one nap per day. To help your little one move to one nap per day, set a routine so that he naps right after lunch. You can move lunch early for a few days or even a few...

Month 16

My Baby's Sleep At Month 16

Developing healthy sleep habits, like many behavioral routines, is important to start at an early age. The older he gets, the tougher some of these changes can be to make. For example, many little ones still have a bottle at bedtime or in the crib during sleep. Falling asleep while drinking a bottle of...

Month 17

My Baby's Sleep At Month 17

Does your little one still want to nurse or have a bottle when he wakes during the night? If he does, it is probably likely that he falls asleep with a bottle (or right after having one) at bedtime. At his age, about 17 months old, you can definitely wean his bottle at bedtime....

Month 18

My Baby's Sleep At Month 18

Between 18- and 23-months old, little ones typically sleep 9 to 12 hours overnight and 1.5 to 3 hours during the day, with some individual variability. By now, your little one is probably taking one nap per day. A good start time is about 12:30 or 1:00 p.m., right after lunch. If she is...

Month 19

My Baby's Sleep At Month 19

At 19 months, your little one has likely moved to one nap a day. Make naptime start right after lunch and be sure to have a mini naptime routine that is similar to her bedtime routine, such as reading the same story.

Month 20

My Baby's Sleep At Month 20

It's fine if your little one still uses a pacifier to help her sleep. Taking it away now may lead to major sleep issues. Once your little one is using a pacifier for this long, it can be best to continue to use it until 3 to 4 years of age. At that time,...

Month 21

My Baby's Sleep At Month 21

If you haven't included reading books to your child as part of her bedtime routine, this is a great time to start. Reading stories together is not only great bonding time but is important for developing language and early reading skills. And good old-fashioned books are a much better choice than reading books on...

Month 22

My Baby's Sleep At Month 22

Some little ones snore. Sometimes snoring is just that - snoring. Other times it can be an indicator that your little one has something called obstructive sleep apnea. If your little one looks like she works hard to breathe during the night, has noisy breathing, or snores, be sure to check with your health...

Month 23

My Baby's Sleep At Month 23

Traveling with an almost 2-year-old can be a challenge. As much as possible, stick with your child's usual schedule and routines. You may be tempted to skip some steps of her bedtime routine if plans push her bedtime much later, but resist the temptation. Sticking to comforting routines will help your child settle down...

Month 24

My Baby's Sleep At Month 24

Congratulations on your 2-year-old! Little ones between 24 and 36 months typically sleep just about 12 hours in a 24-hour period (about 10 hours overnight and around 2 hours during the day).

Month 25

My Baby's Sleep At Month 25

Your little one may be talking away - or maybe he has been talking for quite some time at this point. At the end of your bedtime routine, after lights out, be sure to be as consistent as possible with her. For example, if he tries to talk to you when it is time...

Month 26

My Baby's Sleep At Month 26

At two, it may take some extra effort from you to make sure there is consistency in setting limits in the home. At this age, your little may be extra curious and might have fun testing the rules. Be sure to stick to the rules and expectations you have set, such as when it's...

Month 27

My Baby's Sleep At Month 27

Your little one is getting older and may be starting to consider climbing out of his crib. Be careful not to jump too quickly to transitioning to a bed. Little ones at this age often aren't developmentally ready for a bed. It's hard for them to understand the imaginary boundaries of a bed and...

Month 28

My Baby's Sleep At Month 28

An early bedtime is best! Little ones who go to bed early actually fall asleep faster, wake less often at night, and get more sleep. Putting your child to bed before he gets overtired will make a big difference. Some parents worry that if they move their child's bedtime earlier that their child will...

Month 29

My Baby's Sleep At Month 29

Your little one is getting older and may be starting to consider climbing out of his crib. Be careful not to jump Electronic toys can be a lot of fun - especially ones with screens! These can include tablets, smart phones, or even televisions or portable DVD players. Avoid letting your little one have...

Month 30

My Baby's Sleep At Month 30

Consider making a bedtime routine chart for you and your family! Include all the steps in your child's bedtime chart, including brushing teeth, putting on pajamas, and story time. If you normally read 2 stories, then show a picture of 2 stories. This can help your toddler (and you) stick to the plan when...

Month 31

My Baby's Sleep At Month 31

You may be starting to think about potty training or thinking about starting soon. Note that many little ones take longer to stay dry at night than during the day. Using an overnight "pull-up" is a great way to help your transition from overnight diapers to staying dry all night. Include a final trip...

Month 32

My Baby's Sleep At Month 32

Some little ones say they get scared at night. Responding to nighttime fears is definitely a balancing act. You want to be reassuring, but you don’t want to overreact. Most children outgrow these fears naturally, but in the meantime there are a number of things that you can do. Play with you child in...

Month 33

My Baby's Sleep At Month 33

Some little ones wake quite early in the morning. They then either call for mom or dad, or leave the room to go find a parent or play in another part of the home. Although you can't make him sleep, you can help him learn to stay in his room and play quietly until...

Month 34

My Baby's Sleep At Month 34

Does your little one need a little extra incentive to get through his bedtime routine or stay in his own room and bed overnight? Depending on your little one, he is probably old enough at 34 months to understand getting a reward for following the rules. He can earn a reward for doing all...

Month 35

My Baby's Sleep At Month 35

Your little one is almost three years old! Most little ones stop napping somewhere between three and five years old. Before the age of three, typically the better that he sleeps during the day, the better he will sleep at night. Be sure to have a consistent naptime routine, like his bedtime routine but...

Month 36

My Baby's Sleep At Month 36

When to transition from a crib to a bed is a question that many families have. Three years old is a great age to transition your little one to a bed. When you transition her, try to put the bed in the same spot in the room as his crib. Celebrate the transition. Throw...


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