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About the APA Psychotherapy Video Series

The APA Psychotherapy Video Series presents distinguished psychologists demonstrating specific approaches to a wide range of patient problems. Designed for clinical training and continuing education, these videos and DVDs were created to provide psychology students and practitioners with expert introductions to various therapeutic approaches and hands-on knowledge of how to treat particular patient issues.

Viewers will

  • learn how experienced practitioners translate theoretical concepts into practice
  • gain a firsthand look at what happens in a live session
  • observe how therapists deal with specific critical incidents in treatment
  • watch a demonstration of specific therapeutic interventions

The videos and DVDs feature psychotherapists demonstrating their own ways of conducting psychotherapy in entire, unedited sessions. Most sessions are with actual clients, making these videos and DVDs rich illustrations of what real therapy is like.

Each title also features an interview in which the therapist discusses the approach taken in the session as well as reactions and thoughts on how the session went. Each video or DVD features a 40- to 50-minute therapy session, with an introductory and closing interview with the therapist.

Some of the earlier videos in the series feature actors as clients. In these cases, the session depicted is improvised on the basis of actual case material. The descriptions for individual videos will indicate when the video features an actor.

Date created: 2008