Script Submission

In the interest of offering access to local artists, playwrights who reside within the state of Georgia are permitted to submit inquiries, synopses and dialogue samples of up to ten pages.  All materials may be submitted to the address listed below.  Upon evaluation of these materials, the Alliance Theatre Literary staff will contact the playwright with updates on the play’s consideration status or requests for further action on the part of the writer.  Materials will not be returned or acknowledged except in cases of further interest on the part of the theater.

Unsolicited complete manuscripts will be accepted when submitted by professional representatives only.  Please note that lawyers and law firms do not qualify as “professional representation” in this venue.  Agents may submit work on behalf of their clients to the following email address: [email protected].  Email submissions are preferred but hard copies can also be sent to:

Alliance Theatre Literary Department
1280 Peachtree Street NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30309

Professional representatives are encouraged to contact the literary department before submitting scripts (email preferred) to see if their client's work would serve the Alliance’s season planning needs.  Also if your client is currently enrolled in an MFA program, please encourage them to apply to the Kendeda Graduate Playwriting Competition when they are eligible rather than submitting their work.

Due to tremendously high volume and our desire to respond to playwrights with care and promptness, the Alliance Theatre is now unable to accept all other unsolicited submissions of new work. This includes letters of inquiry, synopses and dialogue samples.  If you are currently enrolled in an MFA graduate playwriting program, please see our submission guidelines for the Kendeda Graduate Playwriting Competition.

In rare cases, some work will be considered on the strength of a significant professional recommendation.  These submissions will be accepted on a case-by-case basis.

The Alliance Theatre remains interested in and committed to the commissioning, development and production of new work.  This policy is designed to ensure that finding this work is carried out in a way that is targeted, efficient and consistent with the Alliance’s mission and aesthetic standards.

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