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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna
Photographer Emanuele Satolli spent the past year chronicling a group of Russians addicted to krokodil, a lethal opiate made with ingredients from hardware stores and pharmacies that causes skin to become scaly, rot and fall off the bone. Journey...

Photographer Emanuele Satolli spent the past year chronicling a group of Russians addicted to krokodil, a lethal opiate made with ingredients from hardware stores and pharmacies that causes skin to become scaly, rot and fall off the bone. Journey into a cookhouse to experience the “world’s deadliest drug" http://ti.me/1hAc5WS

(Photo by Emanuele Satolli)

photography photo krokodil scary addiction drugaddiction video

“Time magazine: always on the cutting edge, discovering Facebook only weeks after your grandmother." 

After Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was named 2010’s Person of the Year, some lambasted the decision, claiming that WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange was more deserving. Naturally, our friends at SNL had fun parodying the accolade brouhaha.

Source: TIME
parody POY video Mark Zuckerberg Julian Assange SNL Saturday Night Live