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Most of the 10 Questions interviews are done in the Manhattan offices of Time, usually because there’s a video. As the person who has the honor of doing the interviews, I get to see who gets a reaction as we walk through the newsroom and who doesn’t....

Most of the 10 Questions interviews are done in the Manhattan offices of Time, usually because there’s a video. As the person who has the honor of doing the interviews, I get to see who gets a reaction as we walk through the newsroom and who doesn’t.  Because it’s TIME and we don’t have THAT many jocks on staff, the sports figures don’t elicit much of a frisson. Showbiz types, meh, sometimes. But you could really feel it the day Alan Greenspan dropped by for our chat. He’s incredibly spry and his mind is very sharp, but he doesn’t walk very fast. Everybody at TIME—pretty much everybody in Manhattan actually—walks really fast, so a slow walker draws some attention. That and he wore a suit. He’s an interesting guy and a very rigorous thinker. Also he knew Ayn Rand. Read an excerpt of the interview here. -Belinda Luscombe, editor at large

(Peter Hapak for TIME)

timemagazine 10questions alan greenspan