(Posts tagged literature)

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Alfred Eisenstaedt—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images
In case you weren’t happy with the ending the first time around, Ernest Hemingway’s ‘A Farewell to Arms’ will soon be released with 47 different endings that Hemingway wrote then discarded. (read...

Alfred Eisenstaedt—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images

In case you weren’t happy with the ending the first time around, Ernest Hemingway’s ‘A Farewell to Arms’ will soon be released with 47 different endings that Hemingway wrote then discarded. (read about it here on TIME)

That said, our culture crew is wondering: Which book would you want to read an alternate ending to, and why?

Weigh in, your response could be featured in this week’s issue of TIME.

photography literature
“ When it comes to novels, says TIME book critic and Lavin speaker Lev Grossman, endings are so overrated:
“ I started thinking about the endings of novels not because I think endings are so important, but because I think they’re...

When it comes to novels, says TIME book critic and Lavin speaker Lev Grossman, endings are so overrated:

I started thinking about the endings of novels not because I think endings are so important, but because I think they’re actually not as important as they’re sometimes given credit for. According to conventional wisdom, the ending of a book is supposed to sum up the book’s meaning in one sublime moment of dramatic closure. But I often find that after a month or two I can’t remember the ends of novels at all, even novels I loved — even detective novels, where the whole (putative) point of the book is the big reveal at the end. Oddly, the meanings of books are defined for me much more by their beginnings and middles than they are by their endings.

Source: TIME
books literature