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Kareem Abdul Jabbar: Body Shaming Black Female Athletes Is Not Just About Race“The bigger issue here is the public pressure regarding femininity, especially among our athletes. It’s a misogynist idea that is detrimental to professional women athletes...

Kareem Abdul Jabbar: Body Shaming Black Female Athletes Is Not Just About Race

The bigger issue here is the public pressure regarding femininity, especially among our athletes. It’s a misogynist idea that is detrimental to professional women athletes and to all the young girls who look up to these women as role models because it can stifle their drive to excellence, not only on the playing field, but in other aspects of life.

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Source: ti.me
kareem abdul-jabbar athlete athletic muscular body image beauty beauty standards female athlete serena williams race feminism misty copeland self esteem body shaming weakness strength
In 1938, LIFE Magazine described the ideal figure American women hoped to attain.““In the 1890’s women had full bosoms, round hips…Now, though, the ideal figure must have a round, high bosom, a slim but not wasp-like waist, and gently rounded hips.”...

In 1938, LIFE Magazine described the ideal figure American women hoped to attain.

“In the 1890’s women had full bosoms, round hips…Now, though, the ideal figure must have a round, high bosom, a slim but not wasp-like waist, and gently rounded hips.”

See more photos of what the ideal woman used to look like

Photo: Alfred Eisenstaedt—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images

Source: ti.me
body image model 1930s 1930s fashion 1930s photography life magazine