— The Israeli military began deploying hundreds of...

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The Israeli military began deploying hundreds of troops in Israeli cities to assist police forces in countering a wave of deadly Palestinian shooting and stabbing attacks that have created panic across the country, the Associated Press reports. So...

The Israeli military began deploying hundreds of troops in Israeli cities to assist police forces in countering a wave of deadly Palestinian shooting and stabbing attacks that have created panic across the country, the Associated Press reports. So far eight Israelis have died, while 29 Palestinians — including 12 identified by Israel as attackers — have been killed. Parts of East Jerusalem have been sealed off as the response to the violence, which, some fear, could spiral into a third intifada.

The series of attacks erupted a month ago as rumors circulated that Israel was plotting to take over Jerusalem’s most sensitive holy site, sacred to both Muslims and Jews. Israel has adamantly denied the allegations and accused Palestinian leaders of inciting the violence and spreading lies.

In this photograph by Abed Al Hashlamoun of EPA, a Palestinian protester sets fire to himself as he throws a Molotov cocktail during clashes with the members of the Israeli armed forces in the West Bank city of Hebron, Oct. 13 2015.

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Source: TIME
time photography israel west bank photojournalism molotov hebron time.com
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