Become a Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management Ninja
Published Feb 07 2024 08:37 AM 20.4K Views

Do you want to become a ninja for Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management? We can help you get there! We collected content with multiple modules. We will keep updating this training on a regular basis. 


In addition, we offer you a knowledge check based on the training material! Since there’s a lot of content, the goal of the knowledge checks is to help ensure understanding of the key concepts that were covered. Lastly, there’ll be a fun certificate issued at the end of the training: Disclaimer: This is not an official Microsoft certification and only acts as a way of recognizing your participation in this training content.


Module 1- Getting started


Module 2 – Portal Orientation

Module 3 -Prioritization

Module 4- Remediation

Module 5 - Posture and Compliance

Module 6 – Data access


Are you ready for the Knowledge check

Once you’ve finished the training and passed the knowledge check, please click here to request your certificate (you'll see it in your inbox within 3-5 business days.)