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Publication ID: ALCOHOLFX

Alcohol’s Effects on the Brain (AlcoholFX) is a free, science-based app that teaches students ages 10 to 12 how alcohol can harm their brains if they drink. Based on lesson plans from SAMHSA’s Reach Out Now Initiative, the app can easily integrate with instruction in 5th- and 6th-grade classrooms. This app is only available on tablets.

App Features

AlcoholFX is divided into units that describe the six parts of the brain and how alcohol disrupts its function. Using the app:

  • Students can engage in research-based, interactive games that explore brain science while they practice responses to difficult social situations involving alcohol.
  • Educators can use science-based lessons plans, resources, and recorded scenarios to help students and parents learn about the dangers of alcohol to the developing brain.
  • Parents can learn how alcohol affects their child's brain and can put their child's education and health at risk.

For more information, email SAMHSA at [email protected].

Publication ID: PEP15-TALKAPP

“Talk. They Hear You.” is a free mobile app that helps you prepare for one of the most important conversations you may ever have with your children about underage drinking. The app provides parents and caregivers of children and teens ages 9 to 15 with the tools and information they need to start talking with their children early about the dangers of alcohol. It includes a suite of materials that helps reinforce the underage drinking prevention campaign's messages.

App Features

With “Talk. They hear You.”, parents and caregivers can:

  • Practice bringing up the topic of alcohol using avatars in an interactive simulation
  • Learn the questions to ask
  • Get ideas for keeping the conversation going

For more information, email SAMHSA at [email protected]

Publication ID: PEP15-SAFEAPP1

For individuals at risk of suicide, primary and behavioral health care settings provide unique opportunities to connect with the health care system and access effective treatment. Suicide Safe is a free mobile app that helps providers integrate suicide prevention strategies into their practice and address suicide risk among their patients. The Suicide Safe app is based on SAMHSA's Suicide Assessment Five-Step Evaluation and Triage (SAFE-T) card.

App Features

With Suicide Safe, primary and behavioral health care providers can:

  • Learn how to use the SAFE-T approach when working with patients.
  • Explore interactive sample case studies and see SAFE-T in action through case scenarios and tips.
  • Quickly access and share information, including crisis lines, fact sheets, educational opportunities, and treatment resources.
  • Browse conversation starters that provide sample language and tips for talking with patients who may need suicide intervention.
  • Locate treatment options, filter by type and distance, and share locations and resources to provide timely referrals for patients.

For more information, email SAMHSA at [email protected].

Publication ID: PEP13-DKAPP-1

In a disaster, it's essential that behavioral health responders have the resources they need—when and where they need them. The free SAMHSA Disaster App offers first responders immediate access for any type of traumatic event at every phase of response, including pre-deployment preparation, on-the-ground assistance and post-deployment resources.

App Features

With the SAMHSA Disaster App, first responders can:

  • Access resources including tip sheets; guides for responders, teachers, parents, and caregivers; and a directory of behavioral health service providers in the impacted area.
  • Download information on your phone before deployment in case of limited Internet connectivity in the field.
  • Review key preparedness materials to help you provide the best support possible.
  • Send information to colleagues and survivors via text message, email, or transfer to a computer for printing.
  • Find interventions to help survivors of infectious disease epidemics.

Find SAMHSA’s disaster response information as a publication. Download the SAMHSA Disaster Kit.

For more information, email SAMHSA at [email protected]