Zero is our goal. A Safe System is how we get there

Learn more about Safety at FHWA

Safe Streets and Roads for All

The SS4A program funds regional, local, and Tribal initiatives through grants to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries.

Learn more about SS4A grants

National Roadway Safety Strategy (NRSS)

The NRSS outlines the U.S. DOT’s comprehensive approach to significantly reducing serious injuries and deaths on our Nation’s highways, roads, and streets.

Read the NRSS

Safety Programs

Intersection Safety

Intersection Safety

Where roads intersect and paths cross, the resulting conflict points create...
Local and Rural Safety

Local & Rural Safety

Rural road safety is a particular concern, because the majority of highway...

Safety Professional Development

The Roadway Safety Professional Capacity Building Program (RSPCB) helps safety specialists develop the knowledge and skills necessary to save lives and prevent injuries on the nation's roads.

Develop your safety skills