
Assistance and accessibility

Chateauversailles.fr is the site of the Public Establishment of Versailles.

Assistance available on this website

Browsing assistance

Chateauversailles.fr is structured as follows:

The header contains, on the home page of the website:

  • The burger menu with calls to the three main themes of the website: Discover, Plan your visit, What's on
  • Access to the ticketing (external site)
  • Access to the three dedicated spaces: subscribers, patrons, tourism professionals
  • Choice of Language: English or French
  • Access to the search engine

The header contains, on the other pages of the website: 

  • The burger menu with calls to the three main themes of the website: Discover, Plan your visit, What's on
  • The estate logo, which redirects you to the website’s homepage
  • The main menu, containing the main topics of chateauversailles.fr: Discover, Plan your visit, What's on
  • Access to the ticket office (external site)
  • Access to the three dedicated spaces: subscribers, patrons, tourism professionals
  • Access to the search engine

The secondary menu provides:

  • Access to the subpages of the “Discover” area: The Estate, History, Collections
  • Access to the subpages of the “Plan your visit” area: Practical Information, Tickets and Prices, Facilities, Visits and Advice, FAQ
  • Access to the subpages of the “What's on” area: Exhibitions, Shows, Patronage, Life on the Estate, Agenda

Inside each page, below the image there is a bloc with:

  • Access to social network sharing applications: Facebook, Twitter, Google+
  • Access to PDF printing/creation
  • Access to font size settings

The footer menu contains:      

  • Opening hours of the Palace
  • Address of the Palace of Versailles
  • Contacts
  • A link to the "Plan your visit" section

A second footer menu contains 

  • Legal information
  • Information about the Institution
  • List of Tools 
  • Site map, giving you an overview of the website’s structure and access to its content
  • Credits

The position of these zones varies depending on the size of your screen

Browsing assistance


Clicking on the logo takes you back to the homepage.

Search engine

The search engine text box can be found at the top of every page. When you perform a search, the search engine lists the chateauversailles.fr pages which best match your specifications. The search engine uses “Google Custom Search” technology from the company Google.


All the pages on the website (apart from the homepage and dynamic pages) have breadcrumbs displayed above the main content which serve as a reminder of your current location and allow you to return to previous browsing levels.

Back to top

At the bottom of the screen there is a “back to top” link (in the form of an arrow pointing upwards) which quickly returns you to the main menu and navigation path.

Navigation using the Tab key

You can navigate from one link to the next using the “Tab” key (repeatedly press “Tab” until the desired link is selected, then confirm with “Enter”).

Navigation using headings

Most assistive technologies and web browsers enable navigation using headings. Most screen readers offer a function to skip to the next heading, for example:

  • The “H” key takes you to the next heading
  • The “1” key takes you to the next level-1 heading
  • The “2” key takes you to the next level-2 heading
  • The key combination “Insert + F6” displays a list of headings which can be sorted by tab order or alphabetical order


Every page of the chateauversailles.fr website is optimised for printing and downloading from the browser in PDF format. The pages can be printed by clicking on your browser’s “print” icon (File > Print) or on the “print page” icon at the top of the page. When a page is printed, all of the navigation elements will be hidden to ensure that you can print only content which is useful to you.

Keyboard users can print any page on the website using the key combination “Ctrl + P” while on the relevant page if you are using a PC, or “Cmd + P” if you are using a Mac.


You can bookmark any page of this website. To do so, go to the relevant page, then in the menu bar at the top of your browser:

  • In Internet Explorer: click Favourites > Add to Favourites
  • In Mozilla Firefox: click Bookmarks > Bookmark This Page
  • In Safari: click Bookmarks > Add Bookmark
  • In Opera: click Bookmarks > Bookmark Page

Keyboard users can use the key combination “Ctrl + D” if you are using a PC, or “Cmd + D” if you are using a Mac.

Compatibility with browsers

This website adheres to W3C specifications and is compatible with XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS2.

It can therefore be accessed using numerous browsers:

  • In Windows: Internet Explorer 10 and 11, Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Chrome
  • In Mac OS X: Opera, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome
  • In Linux: Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Chrome

Display functionality

Acronyms and abbreviations

Some terms, acronyms and abbreviations are underlined with small dots. A question-mark cursor shows you the definition of terms or acronyms when the mouse hovers over them (each term is only defined once per page, the first time it appears).

Change the font size

The "A-", "A" and "A+" buttons in the menu on each page allow you to adjust the font size. 

Change the site size

If you are using a PC, use the key combination “Ctrl” + “+” (the “plus” key) to increase the font size.

The key combination “Ctrl” + “-” (the “minus” key) reduces the font size.

Pressing these keys multiple times will increase or decrease the font size in increments.

The key combination “Ctrl” + “0” (the number “zero”) returns the font size to its default setting.

If you are using a Mac, replace the “Ctrl” key in the PC instructions above with the “Cmd” key.


You can contact the Palace of Versailles:

  • Online by filling out the contact form
  • By telephone on +33 (0)1 30 83 78 00 (princing by country)
  • By post at the following address:

Etablissements Publics Musée et Domaine National Versailles

1 Rue de l'Indépendance américaine

78000 Versailles


Computer accessibility

What is computer accessibility ?

Chateauversailles.fr was designed to be accessible to as many people as possible. All internet users can therefore access all the website’s content without being hindered by any physical or cognitive disabilities or by their equipment or the performance of their connection. To be compatible with different navigation methods (navigation without a mouse or a keyboard) and accessible to people with disabilities using specialist software or equipment (screen reader, Braille display) or who need to customise display of the site (increased text size, contrast adjustment), chateauversailles.fr complies with the following guidelines:

Computer accessibility standards including the following conditions:

  • Font and character sizes can be increased and reduced
  • Images display alternative text when required
  • Language changes, abbreviations and acronyms are identified
  • Headings are set at multiple levels
  • The site can be browsed without a mouse using tabs
  • The pages are correctly structured and standardised, in terms of both graphic design and editorial policy
  • External links (causing the user to leave the site) are opened in a new tab or new window
  • The site’s design is separated from its content through the use of style sheets. The use of CSS position properties, which fully separate presentation and content, ensures that documents retain a logical order outside of the CSS: heading, menus, content etc.
  • The XHTML code complies with XHTML 1.0 specifications and has been tested using a W3C HTML validator

According to the Accessibility Statement issued on April 2, 2024, chateauversailles.fr is 73.91% compliant.

Specifically :

  • Number of compliant criteria: 51
  • Number of criteria not applicable: 18
  • Number of non-compliant criteria: 37

Improving computer accessibility remains a priority for the Public Establishment of Versailles.