Scientific Calculator

    This is an online javascript scientific calculator. You can click the buttons or type to perform calculations as you would on a physical calculator.

    Apart from normal calculations, this online scientific calculator can also be used to perform scientific/academic calculations such as solving equations, making calculations involving complex numbers, trigonometric functions, etc., solving calculus and statistics related problems, and much more.

    What is a Scientific Calculator?
    Widely used by high school to college-level students, scientific calculators are used to make advanced mathematical and science-related calculations. These calculators can be used to solve trigonometry, algebra, calculus, statistics, etc. related problems. They have provision for the use of functions such as complex numbers, log and p, square root, exponential, factorial, etc. Apart from that, it can also perform basic arithmetic calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

    Applications/Functions of this Scientific Calculator
    This is a digital tool that can easily be accessed from devices such as a laptop or a mobile phone with a working internet connection. Calculations in this scientific calculator can be performed either by clicking on the relevant functions or by simply typing the whole equation or problem into the calculator. The major functions and the process of using them have been discussed below.

    Trigonometric Functions
    This scientific calculator has dedicated buttons for the trigonometric functions Sin, Cos and Tan, as well as for the inverse trigonometric functions Sin-1, Cos-1 and Tan-1.
    These functions can be used by simply clicking on the button corresponding to the respective trigonometric function and then entering the value to which this trigonometric function would be applied. The value entered should be within parenthesis.

    For Example: Sin(90), Tan-1(30), Cos(5), etc.

    Exponential Functions
    This calculator has buttons indicating xy, x3, x2, ex and 10x, which can be used to make calculations involving exponents. This involves raising the power of a number or increasing the value of a number by a certain degree.

    For Example: To find the value of 63, click on 6 and then the x3 button; similarly, to find the value of 103, click on the 10x button and then on 3

    Radical Functions
    These functions help in making calculations involving radicals such as square root or cube root. The buttons corresponding to these functions include yvx, 3vx and vx.

    For Example: To find the cube root of 27, click on the 3vx button and then 27; similarly, to calculate the 10th root of 2563, first enter 2563 into the calculator, next click on the yvx button and then enter 10

    π, e, ln and log Functions
    Here, the ‘p’ button can be used to input the value 3.1415926536 either into an equation or can be used with other functions such as exponents, radicals or basic arithmetic functions. Similarly, the ‘e’ is for Euler’s constant, and the ‘ln’ and ‘log’ buttons are for logarithmic functions, and these functions can be used in equations as well as with other functions in the calculator.

    Basic Arithmetic Functions
    This calculator can also be used for performing basic arithmetic calculations including addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (x) and division (÷). The calculator also has dedicated buttons for these mathematical functions which can be accessed just by clicking on them using a mouse pointer. For such calculations, users need to first enter a numeric value and then the relevant mathematical symbol followed by another numeric value.

    For Example: 1256 + 489, 96 x 58, 56784936 ÷ 67484, etc.

    The Economic Times