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Fundus photography showing optic disc edema

The Changing Face of Fulminant Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension

Review shows that the disease isn’t only in young women with obesity


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OCT scan showing dry AMD

Autoimmune Disease Linked With Higher Risk of Macular Degeneration

Early data show risk is 73% higher in patients with lupus, 40% higher in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Closeup of an eye looking at a needle preparing to inject medication into the eyeball

Measuring the Impact of Ongoing Aflibercept Treatment in Diabetic Retinopathy

Study highlights the value of quantitative ultra-widefield angiography

Eye doctor looking into a man's eye

Faricimab Improves Results for Most Patients on Prior Therapy for nAMD

Switching medications may decrease treatment burden and macular fluid

December 26, 2023/Neurosciences

Eye, Brain and Nose Surgeons Remove Orbital Tumor Through Patient’s Nose

Novel collaborative approach helps patient avoid orbital exenteration


Managing Thyroid Eye Disease: Insights for General Ophthalmologists

Interventions abound for active and stable phases of TED

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