Speech to Text (STT)


Speech to Text (STT)


Transcription APIs for 74 languages (ASR)

Automatically transcribe Speech to Text in 74 languages. NeuralSpace Speech to Text (STT), or Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), converts audio into text automatically, and on any scale.

The solution supports 74 languages including Arabic, Hindi, English, Tagalog, Danish, Greek, Bengali, Urdu, Spanish, Japanese and many more. It can be accessed directly through the Azure platform or deployed fully on-prem.


    • Deep learning-based Automatic Speech Recognition (STT, Speech-To-Text)
    • Speaker identification
    • Background noise cancelation
    • Able to understand several languages in one file (code-mixed transcription)
    • Batch file or live transcription
    • Full speech support with on-demand customisations and on-premise deployment

    • Easy integration with other systems

About NeuralSpace:

NeuralSpace is a Natural Language Processing company based in London, England. Our mission is to break down the language barrier encountered worldwide by people whose first language is not English by enabling access to cutting-edge language AI for locally spoken languages.

Book a demo or contact: [email protected]
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