
Welcome to Dr. Andrew Joseph Pegoda’s homepage!

Too often headshots are snapshots of an imagined, enacted, idealistic moment. Here’s a headshot that captures a moment deep in crip time, where the body is in pain, deep in a moment of “your body will betray you.”

Education Snapshot:

  • Ph.D., History
  • M.A., English
  • M.A., History
  • B.A., History
  • A.A., General Studies
  • & 18 graduate hours, Education

All content on this website is Copyrighted © by Dr. Andrew Joseph Pegoda, 2013-2024. All Rights Reserved. Views expressed are Dr. Andrew Joseph Pegoda’s alone. The full disclaimer is here.

Last updated March 5, 2024

Dr. Andrew Joseph Pegoda is a feminist, queer, crip, neurodivergent interdisciplinary scholar, educator, guest speaker, and author with almost twenty years of experience exploring the intersections of history, historical memory, minorities, fiction, and pedagogy. Dr. Pegoda is a non-tenure track professor at the University of Houston, teaching courses on women’s studies, queer studies, crip studies, religious studies, and film studies. Dr. Pegoda is assisted by the world’s best team: Bella The Chihuahua and Molly Jolly and was assisted by the His Majesty Dr. Trevor Lovejoy The Cat from November 5, 2010, to March 2, 2024, when he unexpectedly died.

Reach Dr. Pegoda by email, ajpegoda(at)central(dot)uh(dot)edu.

Select recent publications

12 Notes about Fiction Through the Lens of Annie (1982),” Counter Arts, December 15, 2023

COVID-19 and the Banality of Evil,” Merion West, December 4, 2022

Society and Historical Memory: Six Common Ways People Relate to the Past,” History News Network, September 4, 2022

See all online publications here.