Half Olivia half Alex together they are destruction. A main character in season 4 episode 2 of Need for Biden 8 the grim smile.
Alivo rains down destruction upon hellspwan
by RYNJ33T March 29, 2021
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Pronounced 'Pot-Ch'

To describe something unbelievably good - Short for "Proper Off The Chain".

"That new Timbaland Album is Potch!"
"Have you seen Laura's new Car, it's Potch!"
by Willisinavest October 5, 2007
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A Canadian that is chubby but not fat or stupid. Dumb Guidos call canadians chobs all the time. But really they are stupid, smoke at age 15, and fail at school.
Shut the hell up you chob, only a chob would say that
by POOPPDPDSPS September 21, 2010
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The Merlin's Sleeve is a certain, and not uncommon 'breed' of female genetelia, commonly found in the Middle Eastern region. The Merlin's Sleeve is the complete opposite of a "Camel Toe" and refers to a female's vagina with a protruding, saggy Labia.

Named after it's uncanny resemblance to the sleeve of Merlin the wizard's robe. Merlin's sleeve is uncommon amongst females under the age of 14.
Person 1: "I could tell i wasn't her first"

Person 2: "how so?"

Person 1: "she had merlin's sleeve mate"

Guy 1: "I finally got off her underwear only to realize Merlin had left me a gift."

by Yeah, i'm awesome January 31, 2010
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noun. Allicks' are rare in the United States but tend to sprout up in midwestern college campuses. They can be spotted by their excessive flowing blonde hair and rather unusual and often strange mannerisms. If you happen to encounter one in public after sunset fear not, they are likely to keel over at any moment due to excessive alcohol consumption.
I almost brought home an Allicks but she passed out on the steps outside her house (on the way to the bar).
by The Situation ; ) February 3, 2010
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