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Inside the rise of New England ‘pink slime’ news outlets: ‘My worst fear is someone looks at this and thinks it’s real’

As their numbers swell, and advancements in artificial intelligence grow, the outlets, which appear in social media feeds with a veneer of credibility, could pose a threat by undermining legitimate information.


R.I. Ethics Commission allows Life Science Hub board member Patrice Milos to serve as interim president

A provision in the state ethics code prohibits elected or appointed officials from accepting paid positions from their own boards until one year after they leave, but the Commission determined it would cause the hub “substantial hardship” if Milos could not take the job.


Bad polling news for Governor McKee, and President Biden

A new poll from Salve Regina University’s Pell Center shows Rhode Island’s Democratic governor's approval rating has taken a hit over the closure of the Washington Bridge.


Rhode Island can’t solve this housing crisis without everyone’s help

A recently passed $120 million housing bond will go before voters in November. It’s worth celebrating while also nowhere near enough, writes the director of the Rhode Island office of LISC.

Bold Types

How Rhode Island lawmakers fended off Healey’s play to woo Citizens Bank

A tax tweak may have helped keep R.I.'s biggest bank from decamping for Massachusetts.


Federal report: R.I. GOP account shows negative balance of -$20,000

But Rhode Island Republican Party chairman Powers says a “mathematical error” will be corrected soon and the account does not have a negative balance in this election year.


Rhode Island’s takeover of Providence schools is a mess. Everyone deserves blame.

The state’s intervention finds itself at an important crossroads as key decisions are looming.


Federal lawsuit claims sexual harassment in Warwick Water Division ‘boys club’

A former employee claims she reported sexual harassment to Water Division chief Terry DiPetrillo, who then repeatedly harassed her, and the lawsuit details a “Nazi joke” that led to assault charges against DiPetrillo.