An innovative non-profit collaborative

Celebrating 25 years of sustainable scholarly communications.

BioOne was founded in 1999 by both library and publisher interests to address the inequities posed by commercial journal publishing. Two decades later, BioOne remains committed to meeting library, publisher, and researcher needs through a growing portfolio of products and services.


BioOne Complete, BioOne’s flagship product, is a database of over 200 subscribed and open access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences. In 2026, up to 80 participating titles will be offered as part of a Subscribe to Open pilot.

BioOne Complete provides libraries with cost-effective access to high-quality, curated research and independent society publishers with a dynamic, community-based platform and global distribution. BioOne Complete’s unique business model reinvests precious library funds in scientific communication, with over $73 million returned to BioOne society publishers to date.


Explore current news, research highlights, and updates from the BioOne community.
Press Release

BioOne Announces Early Publisher Commitments to Subscribe to Open Pilot

BioOne Complete Highlights

BioOne VISTA – Fire Ecology – June 2024

BioOne Community

2024 Ambassador Award Showcase

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BioOne Publishing
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