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Famous Scholars & Educators

engraving of mathematician and engineer archimedes sitting at desk

Archimedes: The Mathematician Who Discovered Pi

You can thank this Greek mathematician for your annual Pi Day celebration.

By Tyler Piccotti

Nobel Prize Winners

albert einstein looks at the camera with a neutral expression, he is wearing a wool coat

Albert Einstein

alexander fleming

Alexander Fleming

Gertrude B. Elion

Gertrude B. Elion

Ernest Rutherford

Ernest Rutherford

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galileo galilei 1564 1642 italian scientist, astronomer and writer, engraving

Galileo - Mini Biography

Italian scientist and scholar Galileo's pioneering observations laid the foundation for modern physics and astronomy. He also constructed a telescope and supported the Copernican theory, which supports a sun-centered solar system.

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john locke

John Locke

thomas hobbes

Thomas Hobbes

socrates circa




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Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan

Anne Sullivan Found 'the Fire of a Purpose' Through Teaching Helen Keller

Keller and her "miracle worker" started out as pupil and teacher, but their relationship blossomed into one of lifelong support.

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