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tremendous content
The 6 Most Bizarre and Baffling Trump Rally Rants
From anti-shark diatribes to tributes to fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter, Trump’s 2024 speeches are weirder than ever.
the law
the law
Supreme Court’s Overturning of Chevron Is a Massive Power Grab
The decision might not spark mass protests in the way that Dobbs did, but it should.
trump-biden debate
trump-biden debate
Will Biden Be Replaced After Debate? Live Updates
After a terrible debate against Trump, Democrats and liberals are split about what to do.
early and often
early and often
How Can Biden Be Replaced? A Guide to Democrats’ Next Steps.
Answers to all your questions about how the Democratic Party might go about changing candidates after President Biden’s debate debacle.
the inside game
the inside game
Democrats Ask Who Can Make Biden Step Aside
Democrats watched the debate and stared into the abyss. Now they ask if he’s a lost cause.
trump-biden debate
trump-biden debate
I Let My 9-Year-Old Watch the Debate. It Was a Mistake.
“It’s not supposed to be like this,” I told her again and again.
early and often
early and often
The Biggest Decision of Joe Biden’s Life
Democrats aren’t going to dump Biden from the 2024 ticket against his will. But he can choose to pass the torch to his vice-president.
trump-biden debate
trump-biden debate
Political Betting Markets Sure Do Like the Sound of President Gavin Newsom
What we can learn from the political junkies who also happen to be degenerate gamblers.
the approval matrix
the approval matrix
The Approval Matrix: Everyone’s a Pundit
Our guide to what’s highbrow, lowbrow, brilliant, and despicable.
the law
the law
Why the Supreme Court Just Threw Hundreds of January 6 Convictions Into Doubt
The decision in the Fischer case will have huge implications for Trump — and put Jack Smith in a bind.
early and often
early and often
Trump’s Most Unhinged Plans for His Second Term
He’s openly plotting to persecute his enemies, assume kinglike powers, and deport millions of people. But at least we’ll all have flying cars!
early and often
early and often
Can Democrats Still Replace Joe Biden in the 2024 Election?
While replacing Biden may be politically difficult even after his disastrous debate performance, technically it is possible right up to Election Day.
early and often
early and often
If Biden Isn’t the Democrats’ 2024 Candidate, Harris Will Be
Polls show Democrats broadly like Harris, think she’s electable, and prefer her to other rising stars in the party.
Biden Stumbles in First Presidential Debate: How It Happened
By the end, the panic from Democrats and pundits was widespread and deafening. Here’s how it all played out.
trump-biden debate
trump-biden debate
Republican Insiders Are Ecstatic About the Trump-Biden Debate
“Trump was disciplined beyond what I could have expected.” Biden not so much.
the national interest
the national interest
At Least No One Is Accusing Biden of Using Performance-Enhancing Drugs
I believe Biden is still up to the job of being president. But he’s not up to the job of running.
trump-biden debate
trump-biden debate
Biden, Trump Have Mortifying Exchange About Golf Handicaps
It was a night of horrifying moments for Democrats, but this one was just dumb.
presidential debate
presidential debate
The Reason Biden Failed in the Debate Against Trump
From the beginning, Biden made himself the focus of the debate with a voice and appearance that alarmed his fans and reinforced fears about his age.
trump-biden debate
trump-biden debate
Joe Biden’s Voice Sounded Horrible at the Debate
The 81-year-old president was croaky and faint.
trump-biden debate
trump-biden debate
Biden Stalls Out in Particularly Bad Debate Moment
During one exchange early on in the debate, a confused-seeming Biden appeared to lose his train of thought.
trump-biden debate
trump-biden debate
Where’s Melania? Not at Trump’s First 2024 Debate
The former First Lady didn’t fly up to Atlanta with her husband. But one of Trump’s least favorite family members is doing pro-Biden debate spin.
early and often
early and often
All the Details on Trump & Biden’s Weirdly Early 2024 Debate
When is it? Which candidates have qualified? Why is this happening so early? Here’s everything you need to know about this very odd showdown.
early and often
early and often
One Good Primary Night Doesn’t Signal a Moderate Comeback
Despite losses by Squad member Jamaal Bowman and several Trump endorsees, polarization is as strong as ever.
tremendous content
tremendous content
Trump Can’t Accept That Taylor Swift Hates Him
He wondered if Swift, who accused him of “stoking the fires of white supremacy” and endorsed Biden in 2020, might secretly be MAGA.
trump-biden debate
trump-biden debate
Is the Debate Mute Button Really Going to Stop Trump?
This is a man who knows the ins and outs of microphones and enjoys yelling.