Community and Business Groups Tue, 02 Jul 2024 19:56:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Meeting reminder: Cognitive Accessibility Community Group, July 4th 2024 at 15:00 UTC Tue, 02 Jul 2024 19:56:33 +0000 http://517.151 Continue reading ]]> The next meeting will be Thursday, July 4th at 15:00 UTC. Meeting in Local Times

  • PST: 7:00 AM
  • CST: 9:00 AM
  • EST: 10:00 AM
  • United Kingdom: 3:00PM
  • Berlin: 4:00 PM
  • Israel: 5:00 PM
  • India: 7:30 PM

Here is a UTC to timezone converter if needed. 

As time zones can change (e.g. daylight savings), please feel free to use this link to place a calendar hold. This calendar hold should automatically adjust to the correct time for your timezone. Please note that this will not have the zoom link in the calendar hold. The zoom link is posted in the community slack channel.

If you would like another timezone translated into local time, please let Aditya Bikkani, Ciara (Kiki) Salmon or Jamie Knight know.

Meeting join information: (opens in a new tab)

Check the meeting time in your timezone: 

Meeting Agenda

  1. Welcome (Meeting notes) (5 minutes)
    1. Identify scribe for meetings notes
  2. Discuss pending matters from previous meeting (20-40 minutes)
    1. Async note: Kiki has not yet sent out a message for a smaller meeting to finalize the deceptive patterns doc. Will do in July. 
    2. [Anja] COGA UX/UI model 
    3. Open floor chat or end early

Closing questions, adding any items to next month agenda and next steps (5 minutes)

This will also be shared on the slack channel. Direct link to join the slack channel:

中国DID和VC社区组简介 Tue, 02 Jul 2024 04:15:16 +0000 http://563.17 中国DID和VC社区组基于W3C社区和商业组流程规范成立及运作, 由 IIFAA 牵头建立,致力于推动分布式身份(DID)和可验证凭证(VC)技术发展和行业交流。作为一个开放式的社区组织,中国DID和VC社区组诚邀业界研究人员、开发者、技术实践者以及行业专家加入,共同围绕分布式身份(DID)和可验证凭证(VC)的最新技术进展、应用案例、发展规范和具体实践场景展开深入的孵化和交流。

Call for Participation in RDF Rust Common Crates Community Group Fri, 28 Jun 2024 13:39:22 +0000 http://578.3 Continue reading ]]> The RDF Rust Common Crates Community Group has been launched:

The mission of the RDF Rust Common Crates Community Group is to develop common crates for working with RDF in Rust. The goal is to improve the interoperability of the RDF ecosystem in Rust.

In order to join the group, you will need a W3C account. Please note, however, that W3C Membership is not required to join a Community Group.

This is a community initiative. This group was originally proposed on 2024-06-28 by Pierre-Antoine Champin. The following people supported its creation: Pierre-Antoine Champin, Konrad Höffner, Thomas Pellissier Tanon, Marc-Antoine ARNAUD, Jose Emilio Labra Gayo. W3C’s hosting of this group does not imply endorsement of the activities.

The group must now choose a chair. Read more about how to get started in a new group and good practice for running a group.

We invite you to share news of this new group in social media and other channels.

If you believe that there is an issue with this group that requires the attention of the W3C staff, please email us at [email protected]

Thank you,
W3C Community Development Team

Co-chair meeting minutes: June 21, 2024 Fri, 21 Jun 2024 16:36:44 +0000 http://308.751 Continue reading ]]> MNX

Adrian has documented that staves are numbered using a 1-based system (git commit).

Adrian has made a change to the specification to remove the micro-syntax for measure location, which was used in six different places in the spec. He has introduced a new object measure rhythmic position that defines the rhythmic position within a particular bar. The git commit message specifies the various places where these changes have been made. The specification and examples have also been updated accordingly.

Adrian is next going to work on a pull request for the supports object for accidental visibility (see minutes of previous meeting), and will follow up with examples that show how things are encoded with reference to a specific staff (discussion #343).

We talked for a while about rich text encoding (with reference to issue #280) and discussed how this might look now that we’ve moved to JSON. Daniel agreed to write up an issue capturing some of the discussion as a starting point for further feedback.

Next meeting

The next co-chairs’ meeting is scheduled for Thursday 4 July 2024.

Call for Participation in Security Web Application Guidelines Community Group Tue, 18 Jun 2024 19:47:02 +0000 http://577.3 Continue reading ]]> The Security Web Application Guidelines Community Group has been launched:

The mission of this Community Group is to increase the overall security of web application development, thereby making the web a more secure platform for web users. It will accomplish this by writing web developers security best practices and providing a platform for stakeholder collaboration.

This group will not publish Specifications.

In order to join the group, you will need a W3C account. Please note, however, that W3C Membership is not required to join a Community Group.

This is a community initiative. This group was originally proposed on 2024-06-18 by Simone Onofri. The following people supported its creation: Simone Onofri, Daniel Appelquist, Chris de Almeida, Tobie Langel, Rachel Yager, Michael Champion, Jordan Harband, Florian Scholz, Mohammed Anghabo, Jan Kowalleck, Chris Needham. W3C’s hosting of this group does not imply endorsement of the activities.

The group must now choose a chair. Read more about how to get started in a new group and good practice for running a group.

We invite you to share news of this new group in social media and other channels.

If you believe that there is an issue with this group that requires the attention of the W3C staff, please email us at [email protected]

Thank you,
W3C Community Development Team

Purpose Workshop 2024 Wed, 12 Jun 2024 19:31:03 +0000 http://529.93 Continue reading ]]> Last Tuesday, we hosted our second purpose workshop, a follow-up to the good session we had more than a year ago, in January 2023.

The goal was to refine our focus and bolster our sense of purpose as we strive to make an impact with accessibility across the Nordics.

We had a nice and engaging discussion, with many valuable suggestions on how to enhance our community’s activities. Key themes included:

  • Public talks, knowledge-sharing and presence: Several expressed interest in seeing us do more public talks and creating a stronger presence in the accessibility landscape.
  • Boosting physical interaction in the group: There’s a desire for more physical meetups and networking opportunities to strengthen our community bonds.
  • Meeting formats: We discussed the format of our meetings and the overarching purpose of our group. We will explore setting up other types of sessions and look to strengthen the ties between accessibility, the Nordics, and W3C.
  • Educational initiatives: A recurring theme was the importance of education, with ideas ranging from incorporating accessibility into school curricula to advocating for ACT rules in the Nordics.

New initiatives:

  • We’re excited to be introducing study groups and discussion groups—focused sessions where we can get deeper into specific topics. I’ll be helping to kickstart these groups and am looking forward to participating alongside many of you!
  • We will also continue with our retrospective-style sessions, so we can keep reflecting on our challenges and achievements together, and brainstorming future actions.

Community talks:

  • Our community talks have been a highlight, and we’re eager to keep the momentum going. We already have talks scheduled for later this month and August, but we’re on the lookout for speakers for future sessions. If you’re interested in giving a talk, please reach out!

For a detailed overview of the workshop and to see the full list of suggestions, check out the Purpose Workshop Document.

Thank you to everyone who participated and contributed their ideas. I look forward to continuing our good work and discussions together!

Upcoming 2024 Talk Series at Nordic Accessibility Community Group Mon, 10 Jun 2024 10:51:52 +0000 http://529.91 Continue reading ]]> Hello everyone,

As co-chair of the Nordic Accessibility Community Group, I’m pleased to update you on our series of community talks.

These sessions are designed to deepen our understanding and enhance our practices around web accessibility, serving as a vital platform for both knowledge-sharing and professional development. Through these talks, we aim to equip our members and the broader community with the tools and insights needed to promote accessibility in digital environments effectively.

Reflections: Jean-Yves Moyen’s Insightful Session

Our series began with Jean-Yves Moyen’s talk on Tuesday, May 21st, titled “ACT: Towards Consistent Accessibility Conformance Testing”. Jean-Yves provided an in-depth look at the ACT Rules framework, emphasizing its importance for consistent accessibility testing. It was an enlightening session that covered the structure of the ACT ruleset, its application, and its benefits for creators, tool developers, and users.

Upcoming: Emma Dawson’s Presentation on Focus Management

We invite you to join us for the next talk featuring Emma Dawson, scheduled for Tuesday, June 18th at 14:00. Emma will address “Making Interactions More Accessible with Focus Management”. She will discuss practical techniques for improving feedback to keyboard and screen reader users, illustrated with examples from recent accessibility audits. This is an excellent opportunity to enhance your understanding of effective focus management in web accessibility; an all too often overlooked part of making digital experiences accessible.

If you haven’t already done so, you can sign up for Emma Dawson’s talk on LinkedIn:

Looking Ahead: Pär Lannerö’s Presentation on Spreading Accessibility Between Job Roles

Also, save the date for Thursday, August 15th, when Pär Lannerö will lead a session titled “Bread and Butter Accessibility”. This discussion will focus on how to distribute accessibility responsibilities across various roles within an organization and through different stages of the development process. The session will include a 15-minute presentation followed by a 20-minute discussion, promising valuable insights into incorporating accessibility into daily operations.

Invitation to Speak

If you have expertise in web accessibility and wish to contribute to our community, we would be glad to hear from you. Please consider sharing your knowledge by speaking at one of our future events. These talks are a vital way to ensure knowledge-sharing both within our group and to the broader community, supporting those who aim to improve their accessibility practices.

For more information about our talks and to get involved, please reach out to me or one of the other co-chairs.

We’re just getting started! Thu, 06 Jun 2024 13:30:21 +0000 http://576.5 Continue reading ]]> Kris Anne and I are excited to have started this new adventure with the Advancing Accessibility Resources Community Group! We are just getting things set up and refined, so we don’t expect to have any formal meetings for at least a few weeks.

We have added our initial Work Statement to the GitHub repository wiki. Please feel free to have a read through that and add any feedback/comments/suggestions as issues in that repo. We are still fleshing out this group’s mandate and scope, and would love to hear ideas from the accessibility community!

Please join the group, or at least subscribe to the mailing list, to get all of the latest updates.

We look forward to kicking things off properly very soon!

Call for Participation in Advancing Accessibility Resources Community Group Wed, 05 Jun 2024 18:52:02 +0000 http://576.3 Continue reading ]]> The Advancing Accessibility Resources Community Group has been launched:

Our goal is to engage and empower accessibility professionals to advance the W3C WAI mission through community driven initiatives.
This work could include:

  • Creating and maintaining a repository of community-built resources that complement WAI
  • Being a group of active participants that are continually contributing to resources
  • Vetting and highlighting external resources that relate to and support this group’s resources
  • Being available to W3C Working Groups and Task Forces to assist in writing specifications and resources

This group will not publish Specifications.

In order to join the group, you will need a W3C account. Please note, however, that W3C Membership is not required to join a Community Group.

This is a community initiative. This group was originally proposed on 2024-06-05 by Brian Elton. The following people supported its creation: Brian Elton, Kris Anne Kinney, Laura Keen, Sharron Rush, Frankie Wolf, Shawn Lawton Henry. W3C’s hosting of this group does not imply endorsement of the activities.

The group must now choose a chair. Read more about how to get started in a new group and good practice for running a group.

We invite you to share news of this new group in social media and other channels.

If you believe that there is an issue with this group that requires the attention of the W3C staff, please email us at [email protected]

Thank you,
W3C Community Development Team

Meeting reminder: Cognitive Accessibility Community Group, June 6th 2024 at 15:00 UTC Tue, 04 Jun 2024 19:27:58 +0000 http://517.149 Continue reading ]]> The next meeting will be Thursday, May 2nd at 14:00 UTC. Meeting in Local Times

  • PST: 7:00 AM
  • CST: 9:00 AM
  • EST: 10:00 AM
  • United Kingdom: 3:00PM
  • Berlin: 4:00 PM
  • Israel: 5:00 PM
  • India: 7:30 PM

Here is a UTC to timezone converter if needed. 

As time zones can change (e.g. daylight savings), please feel free to use this link to place a calendar hold. This calendar hold should automatically adjust to the correct time for your timezone. Please note that this will not have the zoom link in the calendar hold. The zoom link is posted in the community slack channel.

If you would like another timezone translated into local time, please let Aditya Bikkani, Ciara (Kiki) Salmon or Jamie Knight know.

Meeting join information: (opens in a new tab)

Check the meeting time in your timezone: 

Meeting Agenda

  1. Welcome (Meeting notes) (5 minutes)
    1. Identify scribe for meetings notes
  2. Discuss pending matters from previous meeting (20-40 minutes)
    1. [Kiki] Update from COGA Task Force
    2. [Community group] Review Dark Patterns
      1. Mini edit session and scheduling a smaller group meeting to finalize doc
    3. Open floor chat or end early

Closing questions, adding any items to next month agenda and next steps (5 minutes)

This will also be shared on the slack channel. Direct link to join the slack channel:
