Displaying all articles tagged:

Richard Prince

  1. games people play
    Suing Richard PrinceStung when he felt ripped off by a famous artist, a photographer turned to the courts.
  2. art
    Richard Prince and Lisa Spellman Regret NothingThe art-world exes on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of her 303 Gallery.
  3. Richard Prince Just Showed How Art Fights Trump“This is not my work. I did not make it. I deny. I denounce. This fake art.”
  4. the art world
    Exhibition Shows What America Looks Like From BeirutRichard Prince and Donald Trump: trying to figure it all out.
  5. Is Richard Prince the Andy Warhol of Instagram?He always wanted to be the coolest artist in the world. But how much cred can one man appropriate?
  6. Can a Show As Dreary As This One Be Good for the Whitney? Yes.Each time someone recognized me, they came up to me, flummoxed, asking, “What is this stuff supposed to be about?”
  7. sylvia plath
    Do We Have a New Sylvia Plath Sex Scandal?The London literary world is genuinely atwitter.
  8. seeing out loud
    When Did the Art World Get So Conservative?When we’re treating works of art as ruthlessly and unsubtly as we would hate speech, is it political progress or aesthetic ignorance?
  9. seeing out loud
    Richard Prince’s Instagram Paintings Are Genius TrollingPrince is creating a rock-and-roll hip-hop ghetto patois of street dude, hipster, showman, and hunter.
  10. art
    How Richard Prince Got Kicked Off Instagram (And Then Reinstated)Oops. That was awkward.
  11. art
    Richard Prince Has Thoughts on Bob Dylan’s Paintings“They’re workmanlike and they do their job. They’re not trying to be something they’re not.”
  12. art candy
    Pulp AfflictionMan-Crazy Nurse is one of Prince’s many “Nurse” paintings — sexy, sinister images culled from pulp lit.