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Mission of the Month: Protect the Planet

Join a community of kids who are making the world a better and brighter place. TFK Service Stars know that even the smallest actions can make a big impact.

Mission of the Month

You don’t need to be a superhero or a famous climate activist to help protect the environment. Everyone can play a part. From starting a composting program at school to picking up litter in a park, every action counts. We’re looking to feature kids who are finding new ways to keep our Earth clean, green, and beautiful. Could you be one of them?

Need Inspiration?

  • Make posters promoting an environmental cause. Hang them in your community. What will you draw?

  • Pick up trash at a park or playground. Will family members and friends join you?

  • Speak up about a way to make your school greener. How can you persuade others to make a change?

  • Sign up for an environment or “eco” club at your school. If there isn’t one yet, can you start your own?

  • Make an effort to turn off lights and faucets when they aren’t in use. What other resources can you conserve?

  • Learn how to start a compost bin at home. Can you use the scraps to help a garden grow?

Stars Shine Brighter Together

Kids teaming up to go green is a powerful thing. Why not hold an eco talent show? Invite classmates to share their nature-themed songs, art, and more. Charge optional admission to raise money for a cause. Inspire your audience to take action.

Need help getting started? Talk to an adult or pair up with a friend to find an idea that feels right for you.

Tell Us About It!

We want to hear all about your efforts to protect the planet. Write to us at [email protected] for a chance to be featured in TIME for Kids.