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Mission of the Month: Kindness

Next month, we’ll launch an online community for kids who are making the world a brighter place. TFK Service Stars know that small actions can have big impact.

Mission of the Month

Kindness counts! We’ll feature kids who are spreading kindness at home, at school, and in their community. Could you be one of them? First, think of a plan to make the world a bit kinder, whether you’re organizing a big event or simply telling a friend that you care about them. Then put your plan into action. Watch for results. Was your plan a success? We can’t wait to find out!

Need Inspiration?

  • Create a “kind space” at school where anyone can feel safe and find company. What will it look like?

  • Reach out to a classmate who seems down or in need of a new friend. What will you say?

  • Be an upstander by speaking out when you see someone being unkind. How will you be brave?

  • Write a note or make a gift to thank a person you appreciate. How will you express yourself?

  • Research local groups that spread kindness, and ask how you can help. What causes do you care about?

  • Offer to do a chore, such as dog-walking or leaf-raking, for an elderly neighbor. What skills can you share? Need help getting started? Talk to an adult or pair up with a friend to find an idea that feels right for you.

Need help getting started? Talk to an adult or pair up with a friend to find an idea that feels right for you.

Stars Shine Brighter Together

One kid can make a difference. But when kids work together, the impact can be even greater. This month’s group idea is to create a Kindness Club. Gather some friends and classmates to participate. Name your club. Define its mission. What will its logo look like? What will you do first? What are your long-term goals?

Tell Us About It!

We want to hear all about your efforts to spread kindness. Write to us at [email protected] for a chance to be featured in TIME for Kids.