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Kid of the Week: Thomas Lee

Thomas Lee, 13, Massachusetts. Thomas gives care packages to people who are homeless. COURTESY ABHIJAY POTLURI

What inspired you to take action to help people who are homeless?

Mrs. Han, the leader of the Harvard Homeless Mission, told me a very touching story about a homeless man who cried after receiving a care package. When I heard how something simple could change someone’s day and make them feel they are cared for, I wanted to help in any small way I could.

Can you tell us about the impact of your work?

So far, I’ve made more than 600 packages and hand-delivered them to homeless people on the streets of Boston.

Can you share a memorable experience?

There are many memorable moments, but I feel happy when people thank me with a smile after I give them food or a care package. It reminds me that the work that I’m doing is important and that it’s making a difference.

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