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Kid of the Week: Luke Freishtat

Luke Freishtat, 12, Maryland. Luke sends food to Milot, Haiti, through his pack-a-thon efforts. COURTESY AUDREY OWOLO

What inspired you to hold one?

I was born in Haiti. I was starving and malnourished before I was adopted. I don’t want anyone else to be in the position I was in. Kids in Haiti face lack of food, clean water, education, and medical care. All this makes it hard for kids there. If some of these needs are met, it could help to break the cycle of poverty.

How many meals did you send?

We have to raise money for every meal we make. For each dollar we raise, we can pack about three meals. For our pack-a-thon, we packed just over 153,000 meals.

What have you learned?

Always help others when they need it. I usually say that you should fill someone’s bucket. That means to bring them joy and happiness.

The interview has been edited for length and clarity.

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