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Jaime Joyce

Jaime Joyce is Executive Editor at TIME For Kids. She joined the staff in 2007. She earned master’s degrees from Bank Street College of Education and Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, in New York City. For TFK, Jaime covered the 2012 and 2016 Democratic and Republican National Conventions, the 2017 presidential Inauguration, and the Women’s March on Washington. In her free time she enjoys visiting art galleries and museums.

Latest Stories


Green Teen

April 19, 2024

Recycling is good for the environment. It can also benefit a community in surprising ways. Mateo Lange, 15, knows this well. On weekends, you’ll find him sorting through glass and plastic bottles and aluminum cans in his hometown of Indian…



Sibling Story

March 14, 2024

Haili Smith, 16, says she and her sibling, Brooke, “have very different tastes in books.” Haili likes spine-tinglers. Brooke, 13, prefers fantasy. What they share is the belief that kids are more motivated to read if they relate to a…



A Place to Play

February 15, 2024

There’s a new place for kids to play in Kennewick, Washington. It’s called Kason’s Korner. It’s named for Kason Creed, the boy who inspired it. Nine-year-old Kason has cerebral palsy. The condition affects his ability to walk, so he uses…



Special Delivery

January 4, 2024

Jordyn Perez was about to turn 8 years old when her mom suggested a new way to celebrate her birthday. “What would you think about donating your gifts to a children’s hospital?” her mom said. At first, Jordyn wasn’t sure.…



Lunch Money

November 9, 2023

One day when DeJuan Strickland was in fourth grade, he didn’t have the money for school lunch. “That really kind of stuck with me,” DeJuan, now 15, told TIME for Kids. This year, DeJuan, who goes by DJ, raised money…



Imagine 2123

April 20, 2023

TIME magazine has been around, well, a long time. Its first issue was published 100 years ago, on March 3, 1923. Life was different back then. The Ford Model T was the most popular car in America. Meanwhile, kids were…



Kid Heroes for the Planet

April 5, 2023

Earth Day comes every April 22. It’s a day to do some good for the planet. It’s also a time to think about how to help year-round. Get inspired by reading about four young people who have taken action for…


United States

School of the Future

February 16, 2023

Ehrman Crest Elementary and Middle School, near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, celebrated its grand opening in August. Three months later, TIME magazine put the school on its annual list of best inventions. The honor focused on Ehrman Crest’s inventive design. There are…



Girls Skate!

February 9, 2023

Sosina Challa lives in Ethiopia, in eastern Africa. When she was about 16, she and her friends saw a group of boys skateboarding in a parking lot. “I used to watch skateboarding in the movies,” Challa told TIME for Kids.…



Musical Nature

January 5, 2023

Do you play an instrument? Have you ever made one? Terje Isungset can answer yes to both questions. He’s a drummer, and he also makes instruments out of something pretty cool: ice! He doesn’t use just any frozen stuff. “You…
