Reimagining US Grand Strategy Program

Challenge conventional wisdom, question assumptions, and help policymakers manage risks, make informed decisions, and allocate resources wisely.

The Reimagining US Grand Strategy Program strengthens U.S. foreign policy by testing assumptions, reassessing conventional wisdom, and exploring innovative approaches to international engagement.

Given the historic nature of the challenges facing U.S. policymakers in a rapidly changing world, we believe that the voices influencing policy decisions are often too narrow, and that unconventional thinking is urgently required. The program fills an important gap in the national discourse on the United States’ global role by injecting fresh thinking and unorthodox ideas.

Through original research, public and private events, and media appearances, we are transforming the national security debate, among both policy experts and the broader public.

Program Team

Senior Fellow
Nonresident Senior Fellow
Counselor, Program Lead, Distinguished Fellow
Research Analyst
Research Analyst and Project Manager
Senior Fellow
Former Intern
Senior Fellow and Director
Research Associate
Fall 2024 Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellow
Nonresident Fellow
Nonresident Fellow
Junior Fellow
Nonresident Fellow


Studying the use of military force as an instrument of foreign policy, diplomacy, and coercion
Examining prevailing assumptions about the Global South and promoting new partnerships between the Global South and Western countries in an increasingly multipolar world order
This project explores critical issues at the intersection of geography, political economy, and foreign policy to better position U.S. policymakers to use the full range of tools of statecraft in an increasingly complex world
Reassessing some of the foundational beliefs that guide US foreign policy
Exploring the changing character of war and its implications for US foreign and defense policy
Elevating diplomacy as a tool of US statecraft




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Publications & Project Lists

38 North: News and Analysis on North Korea