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The Turing test of online reviews: Can we tell the difference between human-written and GPT-4-written online reviews?

Author: Balázs Kovács

Published in: Marketing Letters

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Online reviews serve as a guide for consumer choice. With advancements in large language models (LLMs) and generative AI, the fast and inexpensive creation of human-like text may threaten the feedback function of online reviews if neither readers nor platforms can differentiate between human-written and AI-generated content. In two experiments, we found that humans cannot recognize AI-written reviews. Even with monetary incentives for accuracy, both Type I and Type II errors were common: human reviews were often mistaken for AI-generated reviews, and even more frequently, AI-generated reviews were mistaken for human reviews. This held true across various ratings, emotional tones, review lengths, and participants’ genders, education levels, and AI expertise. Younger participants were somewhat better at distinguishing between human and AI reviews. An additional study revealed that current AI detectors were also fooled by AI-generated reviews. We discuss the implications of our findings on trust erosion, manipulation, regulation, consumer behavior, AI detection, market structure, innovation, and review platforms.

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Zhang et al. (2016) define fake reviews as “deceptive reviews provided with an intention to mislead consumers in their purchase decision making, often by reviewers with little or no actual experience with the products or services being reviewed. Fake reviews can be either unwarranted positive reviews aiming to promote a product, or unjustified false negative comments on competing products in order to damage their reputations.”
Wu et al. (2020) highlight an interesting exception: some newly established review platforms intentionally add fake reviews and copy reviews from other platforms to give the impression that their platform is widely used, thereby circumventing the catch-22 of platforms: users do not arrive until reviews are posted, and reviews are not posted until users arrive.
This refined prompt is based on a simpler one from our pilot study, where we found that GPT-4 produces longer texts without shortening instructions. Participants often identified human-generated reviews by typos, misspellings, or unusual spellings like ALL CAPS, leading us to incorporate these in the GPT prompt.
Given the full randomization, participants may or may not have seen both a human- and an AI-written review of the same restaurant.
We targeted 150 participants, but after a participant timeout and replacement by Prolific, the original participant returned, completing the survey, and resulting in 151 participants.
We used ChatGPT to code the reviews for valence, emotionality, presence of typos, profanity, and informal expressions. Specifically, we instructed GPT-4 to “Here is a restaurant review. [XXX] Code this review for each of the following dimensions: sentiment (from 0 to 100, where 100 is highly positive), emotionality (from 0 to 100, where 100 is highly sentimental), the number of typos or misspellings, the number of profane words or expressions, and the number of informal expressions. Put in a table.” We cross-checked a few of these answers and agreed with GPT-4’s answers so we used these values in these regressions.
The sample of restaurants in Study 2 is different from the sample of restaurants and reviews in Study 1. In Study 2, we only included restaurants that received at least 10 English-language reviews in 2019.
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The Turing test of online reviews: Can we tell the difference between human-written and GPT-4-written online reviews?
Balázs Kovács
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Marketing Letters
Print ISSN: 0923-0645
Electronic ISSN: 1573-059X