RSS Combined RSS feed from SIPRI en Navigating Security Dilemmas in Indo-Pacific Waters: Undersea Capabilities and Armament Dynamics This paper examines the drivers and implications of naval build-ups in the Indo-Pacific, considering key actors’ security objectives and threat perceptions, as well as the interplay of regional dynamics and strategic relations between nuclear-armed states. The focus is on undersea armament involving submarines and anti-submarine warfare (ASW) capabilities, which constitute a significant focus of military investments. The paper considers the related horizontal and vertical escalation risks, meaning a potential increase in the scope and scale of conflict. 27 Jun 2024 13:50:00 CEST Dr Tytti Erästö;Fei Su;Dr Wilfred Wan Cyber Risk Reduction in China, Russia, the United States and the European Union This report provides an overview of cyber risk reduction terminology and regulatory measures within China, Russia, the United States and the European Union. It finds, among other things, that China and Russia excel at clear visuals and steps, yet they also tend to lack linguistic clarity. China, the USA and the EU possess interagency and public–private sector coordination, while facing jurisdictional overlap. 18 Jun 2024 08:07:24 CEST Dr Lora Saalman;Fei Su;Larisa Saveleva Dovgal Climate change and urban violence: A critical knowledge gap Cities will play a key role in humanity’s future. More than half  of the world’s population (57 per cent) lived in urban areas in 2022 and the share is projected to reach almost 70 per cent by 2050. 17 Jun 2024 14:31:59 CEST Dr Farah Hegazi New SIPRI research on peace operations presented in Brussels New SIPRI research on peace operations was presented to policymakers in Brussels. 17 Jun 2024 11:55:12 CEST SIPRI SIPRI delivers intensive online course on chemical and biological weapons On 28–31 May, SIPRI and the European Union Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium (EUNPDC) delivered an intensive online introductory course on chemical and biological weapons for graduate and postgraduate students. Participants learned about the proliferation of chemical and biological weapons, efforts to eliminate them, and the various mechanisms used to control their spread, as well as endeavours to reduce the risk of chemical or biological agents in terrorist attacks. 14 Jun 2024 10:25:24 CEST SIPRI Towards Humanitarian Action that Intentionally Promotes Peace in South Sudan Humanitarian action that promotes peace and addresses the causes of conflict is vital for food security and community resilience in South Sudan. In Upper Nile state, the South Sudan Red Cross (SSRC) has the potential to promote peaceful coexistence and social cohesion, although the peace impacts of its Humanitarian Response (HR) Project are currently unintentional. This paper proposes four theories of change for intentional peacebuilding: The first relates to livelihood opportunities and keeping children in school. 12 Jun 2024 10:55:00 CEST Dr Simone Bunse;Dr Caroline Delgado;Marie Riquier Role of nuclear weapons grows as geopolitical relations deteriorate—new SIPRI Yearbook out now SIPRI today launches its annual assessment of the state of armaments, disarmament and international security. 11 Jun 2024 13:40:14 CEST SIPRI SIPRI joins high-level event from the Stockholm Hub on Environment, Climate and Security Last month, the Stockholm Hub on Environment, Climate and Security held a high-level event on ‘Economic Competitiveness and Resilience in the Era of Climate Change’. The event, which took place in Stockholm, brought together experts from diverse sectors for a dynamic dialogue on a subject that transcends borders but also lies at the core of Sweden’s resilience, economic competitiveness and stability.  11 Jun 2024 09:56:50 CEST SIPRI SIPRI Yearbook 2024 SIPRI Yearbook 2024 provides an overview of developments in international security, weapons and technology, military expenditure, arms production and the arms trade, and armed conflicts and conflict management, along with efforts to control conventional, nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. 07 Jun 2024 10:36:00 CEST SIPRI NATO’s direct funding arrangements: Who decides and who pays? This backgrounder looks at the principles and sharing mechanisms for these direct funding arrangements, with a focus on transparency and accountability. 07 Jun 2024 08:01:39 CEST Dr Ian Davis