
The Magic of Vermicompost

It’s amazing the way we seem to quickly/easily forget how much some things change over time. A prime example – and one many people can relate to, I’m sure – is our children growing up. Well, there are certainly other examples, and one that came to mind recently was the changing of one’s yard/gardens over the years. Not everyone’s yard changes, of course – many of my neighbors still have the same green, manicured (and fertilized) yards they had when we first moved into our present home (6 years ago this coming spring) – but NOT me!

A little while ago I was looking through some old digital photo folders when I came across a startling pre-vermicomposting-trench pic (featuring some family members playing croquet in the backyard). I couldn’t believe how barren everything looked! I was discussing this with my good friend Cassandra (who interviewed me for a podcast recently), and she suggested that I post the picture, along with some more recent shots.

What’s cool is that I even managed to find a recent shot that was taken from a similar angle as the croquet pic, so you can really get the full “Before/After” effect!

Needless to say, all my outdoor vermicomposting activities have had a HUGE impact on the overall fertility of my yard. What once seemed like a barren wasteland has become a verdant paradise, literally buzzing with life! I certainly won’t give all the credit to the worms (although they’ve likely done their share) – there are countless other critters involved as well.

I guess if there was a lesson here, apart from taking advantage of the “magic” of vermicompost, it would be that you should always, always, ALWAYS take LOTS of pictures (of your children, of your gardens – of everything!). You’ll have lots of fun looking back and reflecting on how far everything has come!

Just wait till I start using compost tea this year! lol

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Winter Pick-Me Ups


I wrote yesterday about being in a bit of a “rut” as far as writing goes. We’re in that rather dreary transition stage between late fall and early winter, so it’s cold and gloomy but not yet really snowy and fun!

With everything that’s been going on this fall, I really haven’t getting any cool worm composting projects started, other than my “Winter Worm Windrow” (something I’ll likely bore everyone to tears with by the time we reach Christmas – haha!), so that certainly doesn’t help!

Anyway, while I was feeling all glum and bummed (haha), I happened to glance into my photo folders and it suddenly dawned on me that I have heaps of pics that have never been shown on the site.


Why not start sharing them here? Might be a fun way to start up some conversations, and to help remind all us Northern folks that there will indeed be plenty of greener days ahead!

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