
WFA vs CGU vs EWB vs PWG vs EWF?

UPDATE SPRING 2023: I’ve put together a dedicated listing for all my main educational products (but this blog post still contains helpful information about the differences between various packages).

People who get really interested in vermicomposting/vermiculture will often hear about paid courses and memberships available to help them take things to the next level. Trying to figure out how exactly these resources differ from one another, and who exactly they are designed for can sometimes be challenging.

I decided to create this post to help clarify the difference between four five such resources: 1) The Worm Farming Alliance (WFA), 2) Compost Guy Ultimate (CGU), 3) Elite Worm Breeding (EWB), 4) Professional Worm Growing Secrets (PWGS), and 5) Easy Worm Farming (EWF).

Full Disclosure – I am financially connected to ALL these resources, either as product owner/partner or as an affiliate (meaning I can potentially earn commissions for referrals), but my purpose here is to help people make an educated buying decision – i.e. to make sure people only invest in the product(s) that make(s) the most sense for their own situation (goals, interests, resources, available time etc).

The “10,000 Foot View” – for those of you in a hurry – here are the key differences between these 4 5 products.

Worm Farming Alliance (WFA) – COMMUNITY-based. Great choice for those wanting to learn directly from (and just generally connect with) others in the industry. $67 – lifetime

Compost Guy Ultimate (CGU) – EDUCATION-based. This is a collection of educational products relating to worm composting/farming. If you are a fan of this (Red Worm Composting) blog and my newsletter this could be a good choice for you. $47 – lifetime

Elite Worm Breeding (EWB) – This resource combines education AND community, but is very focused on the topic of bulk worm growing (and cocoon production). If you are serious about growing worms to sell (by pound or count) – especially with limited space available – this could be a good choice. $199 – lifetime (discounts available – see full description below)

Professional Worm Growing Secrets (PWGS) – eBook focused on worm breeding methods of highly successful Australian worm farmer, George Mingin. Includes my original “Worm Profits” audio course (somewhat out of date, but still lots of good evergreen info). $19.

Easy Worm Farming (EWF) – This package offers the most up-to-date look at how I produce and sell composting worm starter cultures (aka “Worm Mix”). It includes an eBook (with quick-start guide), an educational e-mail series, and a web business training section, among other resources. $27.


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Trench Vermicomposting – at the 2019 Homegrown Food Summit!

In case you haven’t “heard”, I was invited to put together a presentation for this year’s Homegrown Food Summit (2019) – the topic: Trench Vermicomposting!

I’ve been a huge fan of the summit ever since it got its start back in spring of 2015. In fact, as some of you may recall, it was thanks to Joel Karsten’s Straw Bale Gardening talk (links to a blog post I wrote on the topic) that I ended up going completely overboard with a crazy hay-bale-vermicomposting-trench project that season.

It’s truly humbling to actually be invited to present at this event – especially seeing my name alongside people like Joel Salatin and Paul Wheaton – and I couldn’t imagine a better topic than vermicomposting trenches for the occasion!

The presentation itself actually needed to be (more…)

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Looking for Used Worm Farming Equipment? Want to Buy Used Worm Farming Equipment?

This is a very spur-of-the-moment post – a little bit of an experiment! I have noticed that there is a HUGE demand of used worm farming equipment – and there seems to be a fair number of people looking to sell equipment. But often, there isn’t a good way for these two groups to get connected.

Any time we post about used worm/castings harvesters (and other used equipment) internally in the Worm Farming Alliance private Facebook it seems to get snatched up very quickly.

It would be great to create more of an official used worm farming equipment “Buy and Sell” type of resource if there is enough interest (and enough people on both sides of the equation to make it worthwhile).

Your used equipment doesn’t necessarily need to be large-scale worm farming machinery either. Maybe you have a used stacking worm bin, or Worm Inn (etc) you are no longer using and you’d like to sell it.

Whether you are looking for something specific, or looking to sell, just add a comment below and we’ll see where this goes!

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Easy Vermicomposting Retirement Celebration

A little over 5 years ago (as I type this), I launched a worm composting course called “Easy Vermicomposting”.

A lot of blood, sweat and tears went into the project, and I was pretty darn proud of myself for actually seeing it all the way through to completion.

Since that time, many people have benefited from the course, and the sales have helped to support my Red Worm Composting work as a whole. To this day I feel strongly that it offers an excellent introduction to the topic of vermicomposting (and even plenty of solid information for those with more experience).

So why on earth am I talking about “retiring” Easy Vermicomposting, you’re likely asking?

Well, first and foremost (more…)

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Extreme Vermicomposting


Likely one of the most common reader questions/concerns over the years has related to the challenge of vermicomposting outdoors (or at least in locations that are not climate-controlled).

While I like to think of vermicomposting as the “ultimate” indoor composting method, I know all too well that keeping worm bins indoors is not always an option – whether it’s due to spousal pressure, space issues, personal preference, or one of countless other reasons, sometimes we simply have no option other than setting up our systems outside.

Naturally, in a lot of locations it can be a major challenge to maintain these systems for at least part of the year. In these cases, our only choices are: 1) to throw in the towel, 2) to bring some or all of our worms indoors, or 3) to get creative with our strategies!

For quite some time I’ve been meaning to put together some information on this topic, and late last fall I finally dove in and started creating what has become the “Extreme Vermicomposting” course.


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RWC T-Shirts Survey Results

The results are IN!

174 RWC email list subscribers participated in our recent t-shirt slogan poll, and now that the dust has finally settled I’d like to share the results.

Here are the TOP 10 favorite slogans:

1) “Official Worm Herder” – 70 Votes
2) “Red Worm Composting – WAY Too Much Fun With Worms!” – 51 Votes
3) “Got Worms?” – 51 Votes
4) “I’ve Got Worms!” – 42 Votes
5) “Keep Calm…I’ve Got Worms.” – 41 Votes
6) “Worms Rock!” – 35 Votes
7) “I ‘Heart’ Worms” (heart would be image) – 32 Votes
8) “Spread The Worm!” – 30 Votes
9) “I Love My Worms” – 22 Votes
10) “Worm Nerd” – 18 Votes

To see the full break down check out the visual >>HERE<< THIS is exactly why I (more…)

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1000+ Facebook Group Members!

Yesterday was a momentous occasion! The Red Worm Composting Facebook Group hit the 1000 member mark! Whoohoo!

I’ve been blown away, not only by how quickly the group has grown, but also by the level and quality of interactions! Lots of great vermicomposting information being shared.

A big thanks goes to my new friend, and moderator, Larry Shier – he’s played an important role in helping people who have questions, stimulating discussions in general, and even in recruiting new members (he is a moderator for another vermicomposting group – and just generally has plenty of worm-minded friends).

I can’t wait to see what the future holds for the group. One of my goals was to surpass the number of “fans” we have for the Fanpage. If we keep growing at the rate we have been, I can definitely see that happening a LOT sooner than I imagined!

If you are not yet a member, be sure to join the RWC Facebook group today!

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