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Scam webinar and further scam resources

Pratt 国际学生事务处近来连续接到多起国际生遭受电信诈骗的报告。此类事件不仅长期存在,且诈骗分子采用多技术手段诱骗受害者。普瑞特艺术学院已有数名国际学生蒙受巨大经济损失为帮助广大国际学生提高电信诈骗识别和防范能力,我们强烈呼吁谨记以下重要提醒:

Unfortunately, some Pratt international students are being scammed. Please be aware scams can be clever and tricky. The scam is usually someone contacting you as a government agency or customs, or the consulate or embassy, etc. The scammer will have a story about you being in trouble and that you need to pay money.


It may be difficult to identify a call or message as a scammer. Please screen your calls and messages carefully. 


  • 诈骗分子会利用号码转换器让来电号码显示成中国号码,并通过严厉的语言让你误以为是执法机关。其会利用你熟悉的个人信息,过往出入境资料,银行账号等信息威胁你。请立即挂断电话,或继续泄露个人信息给诈骗分子;
  • 诈骗分子可能利用你真实的个人信息威胁你以下情况如,有相关案底、已被监控、你的银行账户涉及巨额洗钱、你的身份过期等等,因此你将不能再次入境中国。如有类似对话内容发生,可以判断为诈骗电话;
  • 诈骗分子会要求你在通话期间开启摄像头,并威胁你以此来进行监控。无论何种情况,执法部门都不会用采用这种执法形式;
  • 诈骗分子可能会让你输入虚假网站信息,以及与你相关的案件号码,并伪造公检法机构的文件,以此让你误以为他们伪造是的情况是真实的,或要求你在指定网站上输入个人信息,银行账户信息等。如有类似情况,请务必停止输入,以免被诈骗分子窃取更多重要信息;
  • 诈骗分子可能通过Telegram,Skype,微信,Instagram或其他应用程序,伪装成执法部门,或者Pratt官方邮件,Pratt国际办公室,甚至有可能是你的学术老师进行诈骗活动。诈骗分子会发送虚假信息,或者指导你伪造信息以骗取更多钱财;
  • 诈骗分子可能会团队作案,并试图通过语言连续给你施加压力,强调你可以通过提供保释金撤销你的案底、指控等等;
  • 诈骗分子会要求你不要与父母,室友或者亲近的朋友分享你的信息。

Below are some real examples of tactics scammers have recently used on Pratt students:

  • You are called from a phone number in China. The scammer will know some information about you already. Never share your personal information and hang up.
  • You are told you are in trouble in a money laundering case, you are under surveillance, your status is invalid, or there is an issue with your passport and you are not allowed to enter China again.
  • You are asked to put your camera on for a video chat. No legitimate agency will ever ask you to do that.
  • You are asked to visit a fake website with a fake case number and enter personal information, including your financial information.
  • You are sent an image on an app, such as Telegram, Skype, WeChat, Instagram, or others, that appears to be an email screenshot from Pratt, Pratt OIA, or a Pratt academic advisor. You are told to send the image to another funding source, like your parents, in order to get them to send you additional money.
  • You are repeatedly told to send money to clear your name and resolve the case, and you are contacted by more than one scammer pretending to be officials. 
  • You are told by a scammer to never share the information with your parents, roommate, or close friends.



Please be aware, if someone calls you and says you are in trouble with the law/immigration/customs/etc, it is a scam. The scammers can spoof both real phone numbers and real email addresses to make it look real. They may speak your native language, call from your home country, and know certain things about you.



If you really want to confirm it is a scam, you should hang up and contact that office or agency directly instead. If it is an email, do not reply to it, and contact the agency or office directly yourself. 




更有诈骗分子冒充 Pratt 或 OIA工作人员进行诈骗活动。 凡具备以OIA等Pratt学校部门名义致电或邮件,且套取个人信息、威胁引诱您已遇到移民问题、控制人身自由、告知欠款并要求汇款等特征之一者,均可判定为诈骗活动,请立即挂断电话,不予理会。如果担心事件真伪,请第一时间致电OIA 或发送邮件到[email protected]进行问题反馈并确认。

The scammer could even pretend to be Pratt or OIA. For example, if someone calls or emails you from the OIA and says you are in immigration trouble and owe money for it, it is a scam. But, if you are worried it is real, you should hang up and call OIA yourself or email us from a new email to confirm you are reaching our real office.



Contact Pratt Public Safety or OIA if you find yourself in a troubling situation. We can help you confirm if it is a scam. If you are in the middle of a situation like this, please do not be afraid to reach out to us.

Public Safety (718) 636-3540 (24 hours)

OIA (718) 636-3674 (Office Hours)


一旦发现自己遇到麻烦,请及时联系 Pratt Public Safety 或 OIA,我们可以帮助您确认情况以及提供帮助。无论何时,如有疑虑请随时与我们联系。

Public Safety 联系电话: (718) 636-3540 (24 hours)OIA 联系电话: (718) 636-3674 (Office Hours)