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Optimizing Your Pool Business For Success With Jacob Durand of J&M Pools

Optimizing your pool business during a changing economy is a must according to Jacob Durand of J&M Pools of Senoia, GA.



Success in the pool industry is a unique journey for each company, marked by a commitment to continuous improvement and strategic optimization. While the roadmaps may differ, one commonality among thriving pool companies is their dedication to fine-tuning their processes and promoting excellence within their teams. By focusing on recruiting top talent, leveraging education, and maintaining high standards, these companies achieve significant growth and customer satisfaction.

How One Pool Company Optimized For Growth

To gain insights into how optimization drives performance, we spoke with Jacob Durand, co-founder of J&M Pools in Senoia, GA. Ranked #12 on the 2023 PSN Top 50 list, J&M Pools is renowned for its luxury pool and outdoor living projects, consistently earning awards for design and craftsmanship.

Intelligently Scaling

The firm Jacob started with his brother Mike, was initially focused on cleaning and maintenance. The brothers however soon recognized the need to put together a robust team that could support future growth. By hiring skilled professionals, they could focus on brand building and marketing to attract more customers.

“What we did is we hired and tried to find the best talent in our area at the time. We ended up recruiting our first technician and then it wasn’t too long before we recruited a maintenance manager too. Then it was the same deal with new pool construction. It was a only matter of time before we got sick of saying no to the phone calls and hired a construction manager to expand that business. All that growth came from necessity,” said Durand.

Builder: J&M Pools – Photography: Jimi Smith Photography

Attracting The Right Clients

The transition from a maintenance-focused firm to a builder of award-winning pools brought its own challenges. However, Jacob emphasized that these obstacles were opportunities for learning and growth.

“I would say the challenges never stop. Sometimes with the higher-end projects, you would love for everything to just be faster,” said Durand, “the problem with anything higher-end is speed is not necessarily of utmost importance, or at least it shouldn’t be. It should be the quality and the craftsmanship. We’ve been heavily involved with WaterShape and Genesis education, but always making sure that if we were going to do something, we were going to do it right. Not because we thought it was right, but because we knew it was right, because we were educated on the topic through the best in the industry,” he explained.

For high-end projects, managing client expectations is crucial. Consequently, Durand said their organization focuses on educating clients about the importance of quality over speed.

“A big challenge is really fine-tuning and explaining to the client saying hey, if you want something to this level, just don’t expect it to be fast. But when we’re done, you’re going to be glad we didn’t do it so quickly because you’re going to love it for many years to come,” Durand noted.

Builder: J&M Pools – Photography: Jimi Smith Photography

Allowing The Work To Sell Itself

One of the greatest lessons Durand found out about the pool sales process came with understanding the importance of showcasing their work through high-quality video and photography. He says it does a lot to help attract customers, however an in-person pool tour is his key to sealing the deal.

“We do so many fun projects. Whenever we have that client that really trusts us and we can incorporate fire elements, the furniture, the masonry, pebble interiors, landscaping, the outdoor lighting, the surround sound, when you get that full ambiance, there’s just no photo equal to the task. We win a lot of awards off of great photography. Jimi Smith is one of our photographers,” Durand shared.

“He is the premier pool photography guy. But you could take a thousand photos of this pool. You could video this pool. Nothing even comes close to going out there and experiencing it. Because when you’re in sensory overload and everything is creating a positive vibe with each other, there’s no image or video that comes close. You just have to be there in person,” confided Durand.

“I’d love to just take every potential client out and show them our top 20 to 30 pools because there’s nothing like it. With local people, we can do that and that’s huge. When someone says, Hey, why are you $30,000 or $40,000 more than your competitor? The product is the exact same. They’re so uneducated when they make a statement like that. It’s not their fault. They just don’t know any better until they see the work first-hand,” said Durand.

Builder: J&M Pools – Photography: Jimi Smith Photography

Leveraging Financing

Optimizing around new channels for financing has also been a cornerstone for J&M’s success, enabling them to undertake larger projects. Something Jacob noted has been critical in the face of changing economic conditions.

“Financing is huge for us for a number of reasons. Not everybody is going to have anywhere from $80,000 to $250,000 just freely disposable to spend on a swimming pool. What they need to do is they want to break that up into a monthly payment. We’ve had an awesome partner in Viking Capital. Even if they’re not financing the entire pool project, they can come in and serve as a reflection of us with the same quality for that client to help them through that financing side, which allows us to have much larger projects than we would have,” explained Durand.

Optimizing Your Pool Business: Trimming The Fat

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted many industries, and the pool construction sector was no exception. As people sought ways to enhance their homes and outdoor living spaces, demand for pool services skyrocketed. This surge in demand attracted numerous new players to the market, leading to an oversaturation of pool builders, cleaners, and technicians.

“You had a lot of pool builders come into the market after 2021. In a sense, the industry became oversaturated with pool builders, pool cleaners, as well as techs. People were really doing poor quality work,” said Durand.

Durand explained how the scenario, while challenging, also created an opportunity for J&M Pools. “We were able to come in during that slow down and trim a lot of fat from our company. Anyone who didn’t meet the standards that we expect out of the J&M brand, we were able to let them go and then really strengthen the core,” explained Durand.

J&M Pools’ success stems from their intelligent scaling, attracting clients who value quality, letting their exceptional work speak for itself, leveraging financing options, and trimming inefficiencies. By focusing on these strategies, they have maintained high standards, navigated economic fluctuations, and achieved sustained growth. Their approach serves as a blueprint for other pool companies aiming for long-term success amidst changing market conditions.

Ready to Take a Deeper Dive?

Listen to our entire interview with Jacob Durand on the Pool Magazine podcast.

Photo Credits: Jimi Smith Photography

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Editor in Chief of Pool Magazine - Joe Trusty is also CEO of, the leading digital agency for the pool industry. An internet entrepreneur, software developer, author, and marketing professional with a long history in the pool industry. Joe oversees the writing and creative staff at Pool Magazine. To contact Joe Trusty email [email protected] or call (916) 467-9118 during normal business hours. For submissions, please send your message to [email protected]

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Hazardous Pool Designs Can Cause Fatalities



Designers and builders need to be intimately familiar with the building codes as they relate to swimming pool construction. This is particularly true when creating concepts that could be potentially hazardous pool designs. Most state building and residential codes have adopted the ISPSC as “the code” for swimming pools for good reason.

Following ISPSC Can Help Prevent Hazardous Pool Designs

The ISPSC is broken down into sections. One that applies to all pools (Section 3), another to in-ground residential pools, another to commercial pools, etc. Since the introduction of the 2012 ISPSC, Section 323.3 has prohibited any obstruction that can cause entrapment or injury. It goes on to provide a few examples (not inclusive of all possible hazards) such as: wedge or pinch type openings and non-giving cantilevered protrusions.

What qualifies as a wedge or pinch type opening? Any gap where a bather may become wedged or pinched. These hazards are compounded when they are underwater, where they may trap a swimmer and result in a drowning. These openings may be from cantilevered steps, boulders, even a stainless steel ladder that hangs into a pool. To say it won’t happen, unfortunately, is wishful thinking. Swimmers have actually drowned by becoming caught between an SS pool ladder and the wall.

Tieleman Movable Floors

What is an example non-giving cantilevered protrusion? Think of a stone or concrete table on a concrete pedestal, surrounded by benches. A swimmer under the table, could easily panic and become trapped between the tabletop and bench. An underwater tunnel or rock work that hangs significantly over the water are other examples.

These details may seem cool in concept, they pose real and significant hazards to inexperienced swimmers who easily panic when they choke on water, run out of air, or resurface directly under an obstruction.

While state or local jurisdictions are only allowed to make the codes more stringent, they are not allowed to waive a code or standard that specifically prohibits a hazardous condition.

Why Follow ISPSC Guidelines?

The International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (ISPSC) is considered the gold standard in the pool industry due to its comprehensive, detailed, and safety-oriented approach to pool and spa construction and maintenance.

When embarking on a pool project, it is crucial to consider the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (ISPSC) standards not only during the construction phase but also from the very beginning of the design process. Here’s why integrating ISPSC standards at the design stage is essential:

  1. Ensuring Feasibility and Safety: Integrating ISPSC standards early ensures that design concepts are both feasible and safe, preventing the creation of unsafe or impractical features.
  2. Streamlining the Approval Process: Adhering to ISPSC guidelines from the start simplifies regulatory approvals, reducing the need for revisions and accelerating project timelines.
  3. Avoiding Costly Revisions: Early compliance with ISPSC standards prevents expensive and complex modifications during or after construction, ensuring a smooth and cost-efficient project.
  4. Enhancing Functionality and User Experience: Designing with ISPSC standards ensures optimal water quality, efficient maintenance, and accessibility, leading to a better and more inclusive swimming experience.
  5. Future-Proofing the Design: Compliance with ISPSC standards helps future-proof the design, ensuring it remains relevant and safe as regulations evolve.

The ISPSC is developed by the International Code Council (ICC), a renowned authority in building safety and fire prevention. The code encompasses all aspects of pool and spa construction, including design, installation, operation, and maintenance. Its guidelines are meticulously crafted to address potential hazards, ensuring that pools and spas are safe for use. This thoroughness helps prevent accidents and injuries, making it a trusted standard among professionals.

A Uniform Set of Standards

The ISPSC provides a unified set of standards that can be applied nationwide and internationally. This uniformity is especially important for pool builders, designers, and inspectors, as it ensures that safety and quality are consistently maintained across different regions. This consistency helps to eliminate confusion and discrepancies that can arise from varying local codes, making the ISPSC a reliable and predictable framework for the industry.

The ISPSC covers a wide range of pool and spa types, including residential and public pools, spas, hot tubs, and aquatic recreation facilities. This broad scope ensures that the code addresses the unique safety and operational requirements of different types of installations. Whether dealing with a small backyard pool or a large public aquatic center, the ISPSC provides applicable guidelines to ensure safety and compliance while preventing potentially hazardous pool designs.

Photo Credits: Facebook Post – / Swimming Pool Expert Witness

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A Sneak Peek Into The Build of One of The Largest Residential Movable Floors in The World



Recently, the crew from Tieleman Pool Technology went by in the Bahamas to start the first phase of the installation of the movable floor. While writing this, the second shift of Tieleman has already been to the Bahamas. “The Bahamas project must be one of the biggest new-technology breakthroughs in the pool industry of this year”, says Marijn, Project Manager of the Netherlands-based manufacturer Tieleman Pool Technology.

One of the most advanced movable floors in the world

Typically, movable floors are equipped with full-width stairs, corner stairs or 1 m width stairs, but this client decided to do things completely different. He was looking for exclusiveness that required the highest level of engineering. In his pursuit of uniqueness, he envisioned a floor unlike any other across the globe with multiple stairs and different depths, sure to leave his guests in awe.

For this project Tieleman has brought together its best engineers to exceed the clients’ expectations and its definitely paying off. This technical masterpiece (50.00 x 25.98 ft) consists of not one but two movable floors (one shallow part and one deep part), four integrated steps and, as if that were not enough, two swim-out benches. The coming weeks the tile-ready floor deck will be further tiled by a third party, after which te luxurious villa and its pool will be finalized.  

Eye-catching details to ensure ultimate safety

The difficult part with this type of highly advanced movable floors is meticulously ensure an impeccable fit around the floor, stairs and pool wall, promising an aesthetic that’s as brilliant as it is seamless. When the floor is lowered, the water will slowly pass the floor through the small gap between the movable floor and the pool wall. Even though this movable floor consists of multiple floors and steps, Tieleman  is able to guarantee a gap of no more than 10 mm (0,39 inch) between the moving parts and the pool wall. This way ultimate safety is ensured as the gap cannot accommodate the fingers of the swimmer.

As the pool is equipped with two movable floors, each offering varying degree of depths, the client is able to tailor the swimming conditions to ensure safety for both young and adult swimmers at the same time. All controlled via a user-friendly intuitive touchscreen interface within minutes. 

A stunning environment surrounded by palm trees

What perhaps makes this project even more appealing is its gorgeous surroundings. Imagine soaking in the beauty of the Bahamas , a gem boasting over 100,000 square miles of the world’s clearest ocean surrounded by palm trees. And all on the same island where the pool is located. It’s truly challenging to envision a more breathtaking view than this.

More than movable floors for swimming pools…

Besides movable floors for pools Tieleman enhances your luxury pool with other high-end features, such as stainless steel spas, tiled spas and spas with movable floors. Tieleman offers various standard models and clients can also opt for a custom spa with spa jets and LED lighting in specified locations; you decide where they will reside.

Wondering how Tieleman can help you with your specific project or are you curious about the possibilities? Then contact the Tieleman team today.

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Three Tips to Take Your Pool Business to the Next Level with Automation




Today’s consumers expect automation to make their lives easier – from adjusting their home thermostat to closing their garage door and cleaning with robotic vacuum cleaners, home automation devices are now the norm. 

It’s only natural that this trend is taking hold in the pool industry, with pool owners looking for ways to make it easier and more efficient to maintain their pools and spas. But as a pool professional, have you considered how automation can make your job easier and help you grow your business?

Here are three tips for using automation to help take your pool business to the next level and provide your customers with outstanding service.

Work smarter with advanced pool automation technology.

It’s called the “brain of the pool” for a reason. With an advanced pool automation system like the IntelliCenter® Pool Control System, connecting pool equipment like colored lights, water features, and more to the automation system is easy with features like a setup wizard with step-by-step instructions and autodetect technology. Pool automation allows you to effortlessly set automation schedules, monitor pool and spa status, and check water chemistry.

Whether tackling regular maintenance or something more complex, you can quickly troubleshoot problems, resolve issues, and get out of the backyard faster using an intuitive touch screen. The IntelliCenterPool Control System is the most versatile Pentair automation system, delivering the latest technology to pool servicers, builders, and homeowners.

“When the IntelliCenter System came out, it was much more user-friendly than the EasyTouch® System we used,” said Alex Karol of Lehigh Valley Aqua Pools in Northampton, Pennsylvania. “It was like going from a flip phone to a smartphone with a touchscreen and having everything at your fingertips.”

Customers with older automation systems who need an upgrade without replacing their whole system can use the IntelliCenter Upgrade Kit for IntelliTouch® and EasyTouch® Pool Control Systems to easily upgrade their older pool automation systems to the latest technology. With an Upgrade Kit, you get all the benefits of the latest system, including an intuitive touchscreen display that effectively shows functions in both day and nighttime modes. 

Building on the product’s existing capabilities to bring these systems up to date allows professionals and pool owners to experience all the latest features of Pentair automation. Installation is easy: it installs on the current wiring and housing. Just change the bezel, board, and transformer.

With an Upgrade Kit, it’s easy to give your customers what they want and give yourself some new business as you continue adding upgrades to their pool equipment pads.

Save time in the backyard while offering an effortless pool experience.

The days of staying after hours at your customers’ homes for impromptu fixes to the pool equipment pad are nearly over. Using Remote Monitoring, accessed through their Pentair Pro account, pool professionals can remotely monitor a customer’s pool and connect to equipment via the IntelliCenter Pool Control System.

“It gives us the opportunity to log in to the client’s pool to see if there are any error messages,” said Craig Horning of Infinity Pools & Spas in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. “If we see something that might be malfunctioning, we can address it early before it becomes a very large investment for the customer.”

Monitoring and controlling your customers’ systems remotely will potentially prevent extra service trips to customers’ backyards, and the benefits don’t end there. While you’re boosting your business by offering remote monitoring and white glove service to pool owners for an additional fee, they’ll enjoy an effortless and stressless pool experience. Because the system interfaces with mobile devices, it also offers pool owners convenient remote control from anywhere with the Pentair Home app.

Ultimate peace of mind for your customers to enjoy water.

Pentair’s solutions offer a virtually hands-off, connected automation experience for consumers with pools of nearly any shape or size. And with the IntelliCenter system, pool owners can now control water features, monitor water chemistry, spot-clean their spa, and more – all from the comfort of their home using the Pentair Home app.

Homeowners currently using the IntelliCenter2 app are being migrated to the Pentair Home app in early 2024 for an improved and expanded app experience.

In the Pentair Home app, pool owners can access an easy-to-use dashboard on their smart device and receive alerts sent directly to their phones for peace of mind anytime, anywhere, so they can get back to enjoying their pool. The IntelliCenter Pool Control System is designed to easily accommodate new equipment add-ons as your customers’ backyard oasis grows.

Give your customers the technology they expect with the Pentair IntelliCenter® Pool Control System. Learn more about how IntelliCenter makes pool automation easier at

By: Rama Budampati, General Manager of Pool Automation and Sanitizers, Pentair

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