Medical Errors Pharmaceutical Money

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a man in a suit is running with money coming out of his head and briefcase
How Do Oncologists Make Money?
Cancer care is a huge industry, driven by the pharmaceutical firms. Click on the image to read the article.
a poster with the caption what's wrong with this picture?
RIght, doctors should be put in jail for prescribing it and pharmaceutical companies also (all of them). But lobbies pay a lot of money to make sure that we are the only ones to pay ......... the less smart of us.
Burzynski 2 - How dare people knock his character or call him a fraud when these pharmaceutical companies all try to discredit him because it's big business they don't want him encroaching on their money they would rather people die - big pharma where are your morals money isn't everything. Natural Treatments, Home Remedies, Types Of Cancers, Clinical Trials, Natural Medicine, Natural Healing, Holistic Health, Just In Case, Documentaries
Gaia - Conscious Media, Streaming Yoga Videos & More | Gaia
Burzynski 2 - How dare people knock his character or call him a fraud when these pharmaceutical companies all try to discredit him because it's big business they don't want him encroaching on their money they would rather people die - big pharma where are your morals money isn't everything.
a man in a lab coat sitting at a desk
Lab at Hershey Medical Center identifies a virus that could kill cancer
“You’ve got to get funding to bring it to the market, which involves getting [pharmaceutical industry] support,” Ayres said. And, she asked, what is the industry going to spend development costs on? “Something they can make money on,” she said. “These are the realities.”
50 Signs That The U.S. Health Care System Is A Gigantic Money Making Scam That Is About To Collapse - Photo by Ragesoss Content Marketing, Health Disease, Improve Mental Health, Herbal Supplements, Healthcare System, Vitamins And Minerals, Disease
50 Signs That The U.S. Health Care System Is A Gigantic Money Making Scam That Is About To Collapse | The Economic Collapse
50 Signs That The U.S. Health Care System Is A Gigantic Money Making Scam That Is About To Collapse - Photo by Ragesoss
Your tap water is probably laced with antidepressants-Water supplies in urban areas often contain trace amounts of SSRIs -- much to the chagrin of environmentalists Emergency Preparedness, Nature, Alternative Health, Nature Vs Nurture, Emergency Preparedness Food, Cooking For A Group, Admissions Essay, Tap Water
Your tap water is probably laced with antidepressants
Your tap water is probably laced with antidepressants-Water supplies in urban areas often contain trace amounts of SSRIs -- much to the chagrin of environmentalists
EU Times: Accidental finding: CHEMO MAKES CANCER FAR WORSE. Scientists study further shows the lack of real science behind many ‘old paradigm’ treatments.  Unprofitable natural alternatives (that work) aren't used or studied because of the money that is to be made on surgeries and patented pharmaceutical cancer drugs. Mom In Law, Natural Alternatives, Alternative Therapies, Together We Can, The Money, A Team, I Am Awesome, Healing
Study Accidentally Finds Chemotherapy Makes Cancer Far Worse | EUTimes.NET ⚡ Hidden Story ⚡
EU Times: Accidental finding: CHEMO MAKES CANCER FAR WORSE. Scientists study further shows the lack of real science behind many ‘old paradigm’ treatments. Unprofitable natural alternatives (that work) aren't used or studied because of the money that is to be made on surgeries and patented pharmaceutical cancer drugs.
a red square with the words disease is the biggest money maker in our economy by john h tobe
How To Get Off Thyroid Medication By Healing With Foods
Let’s remember that pharmaceutical companies sponsor med schools and take care of the doctors from first day of school – so there is a sense of loyalty and dogmatic thinking that closes off all other ways of healing
two people in white lab coats holding a large red syringe
Watch Out: Genetically Engineered Ebola Vaccine
The first thing you need to know is: pharmaceutical companies would develop and sell a vaccine to combat flying turtles if they could make money from it.
a man in blue scrubs holding money in his pocket
Cancer Studies Biased By Pharmaceutical Industry Money