Inval ideetjes

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a drawing of a hand holding an object in the middle of a colorful swirl pattern
voor een tekenles. Foto geplaatst door corina78 op
a bunch of pictures that are on the wall with some animals and bees painted on them
Check dit insect
Tekenen en zo: Check dit insect. Symmetrisch. Groep 3/4
four pictures of penguins in different colors and sizes
Pinguïns in de kou. Eerste de achtergrond van ecoline en daarna de pinguïn van papier erop plakken.
a coloring page with markers and pens on the table
Дудлинг и зентаглы. Расскраски-антистресс
several pirate crafts are displayed on the wall
four children's drawings with different faces on them, each painted in different colors
an art project for kids with space and rockets
kleuterthema's :: jufsica
kleuterthema's :: jufsica
an easter egg is shown with lines on the side and numbers at the top, as well
Pasen groep 1/2
Ei met schrijflijnen
how to make an origami boat out of paper
Origami; 45 makkelijke voorbeelden vouwen met papier vouwblaadjes -
how to make an origami boat out of paper
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an art project made out of cardboard with hamburgers on them
Helen Keller Elementary Art Show!
Would love to use this collage project of a hamburger for summary in reading.
a paper cut out of a hamburger with toppings on it and other food items
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Claes Oldenburg (originally 4th grade lesson) inspired paper food collage.