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the words are written in white on a pink background, and there is an image of a
Things have to be done by me and my way.
aris are the right thing by an aris and they'll always have your back in return
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Probably true. I'm big on affection. I enjoy feeling wanted. The sub in me.
Is it as this reminded me of Mulan? "A girl worth fighting for" Sagittarius, Aries And Pisces
Is it as this reminded me of Mulan? "A girl worth fighting for"
an aris quote with the caption that reads, an aris'protective side is highly nested within them messing with someone they love is a big no
TheZodiacCity - Best Zodiac Facts Since 2011.
ZODIAC ARIES FACTS - An Aries overprotective side is highly nestled within them. Messing with someone they love is a big no-no.
the only three things aris truly want from their partners are just royalty and respect
an advertisement for aris march 21, with the caption saying everything is not needed
Zodiac Mind - Your #1 source for Zodiac Facts
This is mostly kinda very true so to achieve humility, work on support instead on domination, what is need for the group (couple) not just right to me, be inclusive to build relationship not dismissive
the words aris will not tolerate lies and deceitness, it breaks the warrior's code
Zodiac Mind - Your #1 source for Zodiac Facts
Don't lie or be deceitful- you will see and feel the consequences for years.
an image with the words aris, you're always open about what you like and don't like so people don't have to worry about you playing games
the words aris always lives in the moment they don't plan they impuse
Zodiac Mind - Your #1 source for Zodiac Facts
Fun facts about your sign here
the text reads, i may forget your name right after you said it but that's because i'm too busy reading you's true...i sometimes forget names of people I have worked with for years lol
an advertisement for aris, which is written in white on a dark blue background
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the text on the screen says, zodiac society aris you long for the wild nights and blued days just so when the time comes to relax
an image with the words aris are very kind of people, but once you get on their bad side they can make your life a living hell
Trust me, theres more than one girl waiting. I have plenty choices. Infinite
an orange and black poster with the words aris in 25 words written below it