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three metal objects are on display in a glass case and one has holes that look like balls
a metal object sitting on top of a black surface with holes in it's center
El misterio de los dodecaedros romanos
a close up of a metal object with holes in it's center and sides
Los singulares dodecaedros romanos cuya utilidad sigue siendo desconocida
Más de cien dodecaedros han sido hallados a lo largo del territorio del antiguo Imperio Romano, en España, Italia, Francia, incluso en zonas periféricas como Alemania, Gales, y Hungria. Según los registros arqueológicos datan de los siglos II y III d.C., pero su utilidad es todavía desconocida p
an odd looking object sitting on top of a wooden table
Roman Dodecahedron
a green object with holes in it on a gray surface and black dots around the edges
Twelve flat pentagonal faces, each having a circular hole of varying sizes in the middle; the center is hollowed-out. An 8mm sphere at every juncture.
two vases sitting on top of wooden blocks
the diagram shows an object with two different parts, and one is made out of metal
An ancient rangefinder (Roman Dodecahedron)
four different types of vases with holes in the middle one is green, the other is black and white
Misterul dodecaedrului roman
a mouse standing next to some blueberries
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